Academic Achievement
Explain the role of Academic optimism and enabling structure on Student's achievement [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 147-165]
Academic burnout
The Relationship of Educational Justice with Educational Exhaustion in Mazandaran University Students [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 97-124]
Academic Mentoring
Exploring Academic Mentoring for Employability of Management Students [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 83-119]
Academic optimistic culture
Examining the role of academic optimism in enabled structure of Tehran elementary schools [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 29-50]
Accidental Organizational Forgetting
The Relationship between Organizational Forgetting With organizational Innovation and organizational Agility Among the Employees of Isfahan Education Organization [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 75-100]
Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation: Mediators in the relationship between accountability & jab performance and satisfaction [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 141-164]
The autonomy of university and its role in accountability and quality assurance of higher education system services. [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 147-167]
Designing of accreditation model for Iran's higher education system based on of grounded theory [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 21-53]
Development of conditional factors as to native model accreditation for Iran's higher education system (based on of grounded theory) [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1-30]
Theorizing about accreditation optimal model of higher education system in Iran based on of grounded theory [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 83-125]
Impactful Factors on International Students’ Acculturation in Tehran’s Medical Sciences Universities [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 7-26]
Acculturative Stress
Impactful Factors on International Students’ Acculturation in Tehran’s Medical Sciences Universities [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 7-26]
Active participation
Examining the Causal Model of Students' Educational vitality Based on Active participation by Security at school Mediation [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 3-3]
Ali Alagheband
At the Apex of the Principles: A Reflection on the Life and Academic Services of Dr. Ali Alagheband [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-196]
Ali Alagheband
An Introduction to the Critical Paradigm in Educational Administration [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 180-208]
Allamah Tabatabai University
Prioritization of factors affecting the role of mental imagery of Allamah Tabatabai University in effective educational leadership [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 144-167]
The Relationship between Organizational Health and Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Job Satisfaction of Allameh Tabatabaei University’s Staff. [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Allameh Tabataba’i University
Developing the System of Values based on Cultural Quotient of University Presidents [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-21]
Pathology of Training Approaches in Public Organizations Based on Casual Layered Analysis Method [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 41-67]
Examining the effect of altruism and relationship conflict on organizational learning capacity in Allameh Tabataba'i University Staff [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 87-111]
Assessment Center
Compare the assessment center (AC) in occupations with high and low task interdependence in the individual and team empowerment [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 1-34]
Attitude towards organizational change
The relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards instructional leadership behaviors of their principals and teachers’ attitudes towards change and Their Effectiveness [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 149-176]
Identifying the components of academic authentic leadership [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 6-39]
Authentic leadership
Effect of Authentic leadership on the agility of human resources in education [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 1-25]
Authentic leadership
Relationship between Spiritual well-being and Authentic leadership with Elementary Teacher's Academic Optimism [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 119-142]
Authentic leadership
The Impact of Authentic Leadership on Personal Performance of Employees with Regard to Job Characteristics and Emotional Commitments [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 125-146]
Authentic leadership
Identifying the components of academic authentic leadership [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 6-39]
The autonomy of university and its role in accountability and quality assurance of higher education system services. [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 147-167]
At the Apex of the Principles: A Reflection on the Life and Academic Services of Dr. Ali Alagheband [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-196]
Brand equity of University
Structural model of the role of professional ethics of teaching professors in student loyalty and university brand equity [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 149-177]
Surveying the relationship between organizational identity and job burnout with job performance of teachers of Secondary School District 2 of Khorramabad City [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 117-146]
The Effectiveness of Psychological Capital Training on Organizational Socialization and Job Burnout of Khorramabad Education Staff [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Business Intelligence
The Effect of Information and Communication Technology Skills Factors on Innovative Creativity with the Mediating Role of Business Intelligence of Students [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 133-159]
Career Development Program
Exploring Academic Mentoring for Employability of Management Students [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 83-119]
Center for Learning
Designing a model for the learning center of Allameh Tabatabai University faculty members in order to empower them [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 128-159]
Challenges and Solutions
Studying the Challenges and Strategies of the
Conversion of Students Dormitory of Allameh
Tabataba’i University into the Small Learning
Communities [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 67-96]
Change Management
The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Change Management in the Public Offices of Karaj [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 127-147]
Change Strategies
Study of strategies of organizational changes on teacher’s job performance [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 99-122]
Character strengths and virtues
Investigating the mediating role of character strengths and virtues in the relationship between gender and positive and negative excitements of elementary teachers in the classroom [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 123-143]
Cipp assessment model
Validity Measurement of Cipp Assessment Model in
Assessing the Instruction Centers Function: A Case
Study on National Iranian Petrochemical Company [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 119-136]
Citizenship Behavior
Organizational Cynicism toward Workplace Deviant Behavior: Emphasizing the Role of Citizenship Behavior and Perception of Organizational Politics (Case Study: Lorestan University) [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 1-35]
Classroom Climate
The relationship between classroom climate and academic achievement of students considering the role of teacher-student interaction and academic motivation [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 143-164]
The role of Relationship Manager and Employees in Organizational Performance by mediating Intra-Organizational Trust and Collaboration [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 1-23]
Competency Model
Development and validation a general competencies model for public universities’ administrators [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 50-72]
Competitive Intelligence
Predicting the Competitive Intelligence of Educational Administrators Based on Faith and Political Intelligence [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 91-117]
Contextual factors
The Role of Individual and Contextual Factors in Teachers' Inclination to Implement Formative Evaluation [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 138-159]
Coping strategies
Relashinship between Occupational Stress, Coping Strategies and Job Burnout in Primary Schools' Principals [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-145]
Study of strategies of organizational changes on teacher’s job performance [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 99-122]
Creative self-efficacy
The Impact of Shared Leadership on Proactive Innovation Behaviors with Considering Perceptions of Job Complexity and Creative Self-Efficacy [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 32-57]
Critical Paradigm
An Introduction to the Critical Paradigm in Educational Administration [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 180-208]
Cultural Quotient
Developing the System of Values based on Cultural Quotient of University Presidents [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-21]
Identifying and validating the components of school culture in the primary period of Ardabil city [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 74-94]
Customer Satisfaction
Relationship between Human Capital and Organizational Performance:
The Case of Asia Insurance Company [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1-30]
Decision making
the effect of managers' decision making styles on success management
strategies at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 57-83]
Identifying the Components of Talent Optimization Management from the officers Viewpoints in Medical Sciences University of Bojnurd [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 125-145]
Developmental Spiritual Leadership in college students
A Model for Developingَ Spiritual Leadership in College Students
(Case: Islamic Azad University, Science Research Branch of Tehran) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 2-2]
Deviant Behavior
Organizational Cynicism toward Workplace Deviant Behavior: Emphasizing the Role of Citizenship Behavior and Perception of Organizational Politics (Case Study: Lorestan University) [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 1-35]
Representing the problems of the thesis and dissertation process: A qualitative study [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 25-57]
Digital Governance
Providing a digital governance model of education: A meta synthesis study [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 55-83]
Representing the problems of the thesis and dissertation process: A qualitative study [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 25-57]
Distributed Leadership style
The Impact of Distributed Leadership on the Teachers Knowledge Sharing
Behaviors in Public Elementary Schools of Tehran City [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 71-96]
Distributive Justice
The relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in staff of Allameh Tabatabai University [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
The Relationship between Self-control and Locus of
Control and Organizational Commitment of the Staff
Members at the Education Department of Sabzevar [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 49-66]
Analysis of the employment status of graduates of educational sciences: case study [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 167-192]
Effect of Authentic leadership on the agility of human resources in education [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 1-25]
Study of the Components and Indicators of Effectiveness of Secondary Schools in Hormozgan Province in order to provide a model for improving the educational system in schools [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 25-61]
Identifying Strategies for Implementing Lean Management in Education [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 147-167]
Investigating the status of the education and development system of insurance industry employee [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 145-167]
Identifying and validating the components of school culture in the primary period of Ardabil city [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 74-94]
Providing a digital governance model of education: A meta synthesis study [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 55-83]
Educational activities
Typology of Kazemain Imams' educational activities in Imami Shia' scientific and religious development [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 55-77]
Educational Inequality
Identifying and Prioritizing Components and Indicators of Educational Inequality in Elementary Schools [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 47-76]
Educational justice
The Relationship of Educational Justice with Educational Exhaustion in Mazandaran University Students [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 97-124]
Educational Leaders
Identifying the Opportunities and Challenges of Supervision and Educational Guidance: A Phenomenological Research [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 27-53]
Educational Leadership
Investigating the Status of Distributed Leadership in Senior
High Schools in the City of Sanandaj [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 23-48]
Educational Leadership
A Critical Approach to Histographical of Educational Administration [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 1-35]
Educational Leadership
Effective Leadership Model for Unqualified Teachers in Primary Schools: an Application of the Grounded Theory [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 6-48]
Educational Leadership
Identification of Platforms for the Realization of Educational Leadership in Elementary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 67-91]
Educational Leadership
Exploring the necessary platforms for the transition from educational management to educational leadership [(Articles in Press)]
Educational leadership foundations
Identification of Platforms for the Realization of Educational Leadership in Elementary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 67-91]
Educational management
The Necessity to Establishing a Master's Programme of Educational Management [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 47-81]
Educational management
Exploring the necessary platforms for the transition from educational management to educational leadership [(Articles in Press)]
Educational Organizations
Designing a Teacher's Competency Model with a Meta-Composite Qualitative Approach [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 173-193]
Educational program
Explaining the Role of Head Teachers in the Implementation Quality of Elementary School Educational Program: A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 1-21]
Educational Safety
Design of Educational Safety Model and ... [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 83-118]
Educational sciences
At the Apex of the Principles: A Reflection on the Life and Academic Services of Dr. Ali Alagheband [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-196]
Effective Communications
Examining the relationship between Mental Health and Effective Communications with Productivity from the Perspective of Elementary School Managers [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 85-105]
Study of the Components and Indicators of Effectiveness of Secondary Schools in Hormozgan Province in order to provide a model for improving the educational system in schools [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 25-61]
Effective schools
A study of the effectiveness of Allameh High and Middle Schools in Tehran, based on the “Effective Schools" framework [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 51-69]
Effect size
Relatiionship between leadership style and organizational health in educational sytems: A Meta analyses study [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 97-125]
Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Excellence of Educational Offices of Zanjan Province [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 153-173]
Designing a Model for Evaluating the Annual Professional Performance of the Primary School Teachers in the Country; a Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 59-85]
Elementary Schoolteachers
The Impact of Distributed Leadership on the Teachers Knowledge Sharing
Behaviors in Public Elementary Schools of Tehran City [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 71-96]
Elementary Teacher's Academic Optimism
Relationship between Spiritual well-being and Authentic leadership with Elementary Teacher's Academic Optimism [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 119-142]
Emotional Commitment
The Impact of Authentic Leadership on Personal Performance of Employees with Regard to Job Characteristics and Emotional Commitments [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 125-146]
Exploring Academic Mentoring for Employability of Management Students [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 83-119]
Employee Job Satisfaction
The Relationship between Organizational Health and Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Job Satisfaction of Allameh Tabatabaei University’s Staff. [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Analysis of the employment status of graduates of educational sciences: case study [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 167-192]
Exploring the Perceptions of Knowledge-Based and Technology Company Managers on the Reasons for the Unpreparedness of Bachelor’s Graduates for Employment [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 85-112]
Investigating the status of the education and development system of insurance industry employee [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 145-167]
Designing a model for the learning center of Allameh Tabatabai University faculty members in order to empower them [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 128-159]
Empowerment of managers
The Relationship between Implementation Principles of Implementation with Organizational Accelerations, Ethical Leadership and Empowerment of Managers (Case study: Employees of national banks in Sari, District 1) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 1-24]
Enabling Structure
Explain the role of Academic optimism and enabling structure on Student's achievement [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 147-165]
Enterprise Resource Planning systems success (ERP)
The mediating effect of organizational culture and
knowledge sharing on transformational leadership and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems success at
the University [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 137-163]
Environmental Attitudes
Environment in Higher Education: Attitudes, Environmental Knowledge and Sustainability Components at University [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 107-125]
Environmental Knowledge
Environment in Higher Education: Attitudes, Environmental Knowledge and Sustainability Components at University [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 107-125]
Designing a Model for Evaluating the Annual Professional Performance of the Primary School Teachers in the Country; a Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 59-85]
Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University
Structural Pattern of Organizational Bullying with Resistance to Change in Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 1-34]
Glass ceiling in succession planning of women in management positions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 91-118]
Farhangian University
The Necessity to Establishing a Master's Programme of Educational Management [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 47-81]
Farhangian University
The Relationship between Organizational Silence of Employees and Management style and Professional Ethics of managers [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 77-100]
Farhangian University
Designing an Efficient Virtual Education Pattern in Farhangian University [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 130-164]
Financial literacy
Investigating the effect of financial literacy on financial socialization and financial self-efficacy (case study: secondary school students in Afghanistan) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 96-129]
Frequent monitoring
A study of the effectiveness of Allameh High and Middle Schools in Tehran, based on the “Effective Schools" framework [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 51-69]
Function assessment
Validity Measurement of Cipp Assessment Model in
Assessing the Instruction Centers Function: A Case
Study on National Iranian Petrochemical Company [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 119-136]
Future Studies
Validation of managers' digital competencies model (Case of study: Organization of Education Evaluation of the country) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 66-88]
Investigating the mediating role of character strengths and virtues in the relationship between gender and positive and negative excitements of elementary teachers in the classroom [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 123-143]
Genuine leadership
Identifying the Components of Competence of Genuine Leadership in Primary Schools [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 87-108]
Providing a digital governance model of education: A meta synthesis study [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 55-83]
Grounded Theory
Development of conditional factors as to native model accreditation for Iran's higher education system (based on of grounded theory) [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1-30]
Grounded Theory
Theorizing about accreditation optimal model of higher education system in Iran based on of grounded theory [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 83-125]
Grounded Theory
Designing and Validation of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Model for Iranian Higher Education [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 7-39]
Grounded Theory
Designing and Validating the Organizational Culture Transformation Model Based on the Productivity of Iran's Education System [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 60-91]
Grounded Theory
Designing a conceptual model of mindfulness for educational principals of schools: a grounded theory study [(Articles in Press)]
Healthy School
The Healthy School Pattern Development : A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Higher education
The Relationship between Quality of Higher Education
Output and Sustainable Development based on a
Systemic Approach and Development of a Conceptual
Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 97-117]
Higher education
Analysis of the employment status of graduates of educational sciences: case study [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 167-192]
Higher education
Organizational silence, warning in higher education: identify factors causing it among staff University of Mohaghegh Ardabil
(Mixed method) [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 129-152]
Higher education
Development of conditional factors as to native model accreditation for Iran's higher education system (based on of grounded theory) [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 1-30]
Higher education
Theorizing about accreditation optimal model of higher education system in Iran based on of grounded theory [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 83-125]
Higher education
The effect of organizational climate on organizational silence, case study Azad University [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 23-51]
Higher education
Meta-synthesis analysis of costs and benefits in general and Higher education [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 59-89]
Higher education
Designing and Validation of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Model for Iranian Higher Education [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 7-39]
Higher education
Development and validation a general competencies model for public universities’ administrators [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 50-72]
Higher education
Impactful Factors on International Students’ Acculturation in Tehran’s Medical Sciences Universities [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 7-26]
Higher Education Economy
Examining the Problems (Challenges) of Iranian Higher Education Economy [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 7-46]
Higher Education of Health System
Investigating The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior in Higher Education of Health System of Iran with mediating Role of Person–Organization Fit and Knowledge Sharing Behavior [(Articles in Press)]
Higher Education Policy Making
A Causal Explanation of Capacity of Iranian Higher Education Policies Based on the Synergy of Policy Research Institutions [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 125-148]
Higher Education Policy Research
A Causal Explanation of Capacity of Iranian Higher Education Policies Based on the Synergy of Policy Research Institutions [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 125-148]
High school
The Comparison Between Principals Management Styles In Schools, General Public sample, Nonprofit, Gifted High school Teachers' views of downtown Tehran [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 37-56]
History of Educational Adminstraion
An Introduction to the Critical Paradigm in Educational Administration [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 180-208]
Home school relations
A study of the effectiveness of Allameh High and Middle Schools in Tehran, based on the “Effective Schools" framework [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 51-69]
Hormozgan Province
Study of the Components and Indicators of Effectiveness of Secondary Schools in Hormozgan Province in order to provide a model for improving the educational system in schools [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 25-61]
Human-building Skills
Designing a model of skill-oriented education in schools based on the real needs of society using data base theor [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 89-126]
Human Capital
The mediating role of human capital on the relationship between staffꞌs self-leadership and school's organizational agility [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 55-83]
Human Capital
Relationship between Human Capital and Organizational Performance:
The Case of Asia Insurance Company [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1-30]
Human Resource Productivity
The Impact of Knowledge Management on Human Resource Productivity through Cultural Capital and Social Capital (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch) [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 37-70]
Human Resource Training
Methods of Knowledge Sharing in Schools to Empower Human Resources [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 123-152]
The Relationship between the Use of ICT with General Self-efficacy and Job Performance among Staff of Technical Education and Vocational Training Organization [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 99-122]
IDP process
Global Experiences in Individual Development Plan (IDP) [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 81-125]
Imami Shia
Typology of Kazemain Imams' educational activities in Imami Shia' scientific and religious development [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 55-77]
Imami Shia'
The role and capability of Imami educational systems in Islamic culture and civilization progress (considering the first five centuries) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 4-4]
Important components of Islamic civilization
The role and capability of Imami educational systems in Islamic culture and civilization progress (considering the first five centuries) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 4-4]
Impression management
The Impact of Organizational bullying on Organizational Cynicism through Organizational Silence and impression management (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch) [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 37-70]
Individual Characteristics
Identifying and Evaluating the Professional Competence of Principals of Primary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 39-66]
Individual Development Plan
Feasibility study of implementing a personal development program based on work environment learning In the National Petrochemical C [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 63-89]
Individual Development Plan
Global Experiences in Individual Development Plan (IDP) [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 81-125]
Individual empowerment
Compare the assessment center (AC) in occupations with high and low task interdependence in the individual and team empowerment [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 1-34]
Individual Values
Individual Values and Person–Organization Fit in faculty members and Staff of the Qom University [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 63-84]
Pathology of the relationship between industry and academia in the field of the humanities [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 51-74]
Information and Communication Technology Skills
The Effect of Information and Communication Technology Skills Factors on Innovative Creativity with the Mediating Role of Business Intelligence of Students [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 133-159]
Information Technology
The Relationship between Managers Leadership Style with using information Technology in school of bandar jask [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 149-173]
The effect knowledge management on organizational innovation in Mazandaran University [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 119-140]
Innovative behavior
Investigating the Impact of Shared Leadership on Innovative Behavior with the Mediating Role of Strategic Decision Making [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 40-58]
Innovative creativity
The Effect of Information and Communication Technology Skills Factors on Innovative Creativity with the Mediating Role of Business Intelligence of Students [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 133-159]
Innovative organizational climate
determine the impact of ethical leadership on organizational learning through the role of innovative organizational mediator in Islamic Azad University [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 151-168]
Innovative Work Behavior
Investigating The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior in Higher Education of Health System of Iran with mediating Role of Person–Organization Fit and Knowledge Sharing Behavior [(Articles in Press)]
Innovative work behaviors
The Mediating Role of Job Enthusiasm in the Model of Innovative Work Behaviors Based on Psychological Empowerment [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 153-169]
Instructional leadership
The relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards instructional leadership behaviors of their principals and teachers’ attitudes towards change and Their Effectiveness [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 149-176]
Instructional leadership
A study of the effectiveness of Allameh High and Middle Schools in Tehran, based on the “Effective Schools" framework [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 51-69]
Investigating the status of the education and development system of insurance industry employee [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 145-167]
Interactional Justice
The relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in staff of Allameh Tabatabai University [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
Interactive Leadership
Structural Equation Modeling of the Relationship between Interactive Leadership Style and Perceived Organizational Support with Subjective Well-Being: the Mediating Role of Psychological Hardiness [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 7-38]
Internal Motivation
The relationship between self-efficacy, work engagement and inner motivation with teacher's job performance [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 101-120]
International Students’ Cultural Norms
Impactful Factors on International Students’ Acculturation in Tehran’s Medical Sciences Universities [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 7-26]
Iranian Central Oil Fields Company
The Mediating Role of Job Enthusiasm in the Model of Innovative Work Behaviors Based on Psychological Empowerment [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 153-169]
Islamic Culture and civilization
The role and capability of Imami educational systems in Islamic culture and civilization progress (considering the first five centuries) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 4-4]
Islamic Leadership
Investigating the Effect of Islamic Leadership on Deviant Behaviors in the Workplace through Islamic Work Ethic and Social Capital [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 69-99]
Islamic Work Ethics
Investigating the Effect of Islamic Leadership on Deviant Behaviors in the Workplace through Islamic Work Ethic and Social Capital [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 69-99]
Job analysis
Using of Generalizability Theory in management research, with an emphasis on job analysis [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 43-62]
Job Behavior
Investigating the Role of Moral Leadership in Predicting of Job Behavior and Breaking the Organizational Silence [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 109-136]
Job burnout
Relashinship between Occupational Stress, Coping Strategies and Job Burnout in Primary Schools' Principals [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-145]
Job burnout
The effect of leadership style on employees Welfare (case Study: The employees of Education and instruction office of Tehran province) [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 71-95]
Job Commitment
the Mediation Role of Perceived Social Value Between Perceived Transformational leadership and Job Commitment in Guilan Technical & Vocational Organization. [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 61-82]
Job enthusiasm
The Mediating Role of Job Enthusiasm in the Model of Innovative Work Behaviors Based on Psychological Empowerment [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 153-169]
Job Involvement
Relationship between social undermining and employee job involvement with the role of spirituality in work, organizational agility and ethical climate [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 65-90]
Job performance
Study of strategies of organizational changes on teacher’s job performance [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 99-122]
Job performance
The Relationship between the Use of ICT with General Self-efficacy and Job Performance among Staff of Technical Education and Vocational Training Organization [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 99-122]
Job performance
Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation: Mediators in the relationship between accountability & jab performance and satisfaction [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 141-164]
Job performance
The relationship between self-efficacy, work engagement and inner motivation with teacher's job performance [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 101-120]
Job performance
Surveying the relationship between organizational identity and job burnout with job performance of teachers of Secondary School District 2 of Khorramabad City [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 117-146]
Job performance
The Effect of Self-Development on Employees’ Job Performance of Universities and Higher Education Centers (Case study: University of Science and Culture) [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 119-137]
Job Satisfaction
evaluate job satisfaction of khorramabad city school principals and provide strategies to increase job satisfaction them. [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Job Satisfaction
The role of perception of moral leadership of managers in the motivation and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 58-78]
Kant's Moral Conservative Perspective
The Effectiveness of Kant's Conscientious Moral Conservative Role and Moral Strategies in Reducing Organizational Violations through the Mediating Role of Job Motivation [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 91-115]
Kazemain Period
Typology of Kazemain Imams' educational activities in Imami Shia' scientific and religious development [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 55-77]
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
relationship between dimensions of Social capital and Organizational Voices of staff employees at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 123-177]
Key word: enabling school structure
Examining the role of academic optimism in enabled structure of Tehran elementary schools [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 29-50]
Keywords: challenge
Pathology of the relationship between industry and academia in the field of the humanities [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 51-74]
Keywords: Competence
Development and validation a general competencies model for public universities’ administrators [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 50-72]
Keywords: Curriculum
The Healthy School Pattern Development : A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Keywords: Transformational leadership
Study of relationship between transformational leadership style of managers and employees’ readiness for changing Primary Schools of Javanrood in 2014-2015 [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 51-74]
Khorram Abad City
Surveying the relationship between organizational identity and job burnout with job performance of teachers of Secondary School District 2 of Khorramabad City [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 117-146]
Khorramabad Education Staff
The Effectiveness of Psychological Capital Training on Organizational Socialization and Job Burnout of Khorramabad Education Staff [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Knowledge-based and technology companies
Exploring the Perceptions of Knowledge-Based and Technology Company Managers on the Reasons for the Unpreparedness of Bachelor’s Graduates for Employment [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 85-112]
Knowledge Commercialization Questionnaire
Construction of Knowledge Commercialization Scale for Universities and Its Validation [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 129-134]
Knowledge Management
The effect knowledge management on organizational innovation in Mazandaran University [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 119-140]
Knowledge Management
The effect of knowledge management on commitment to change through the quality of perceived communication of change and readiness to change [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 91-118]
Knowledge Management
The Impact of Knowledge Management on Human Resource Productivity through Cultural Capital and Social Capital (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch) [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 37-70]
Knowledge Management
Methods of Knowledge Sharing in Schools to Empower Human Resources [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 123-152]
Knowledge Sharing
The mediating effect of organizational culture and
knowledge sharing on transformational leadership and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems success at
the University [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 137-163]
Knowledge Sharing
Examine the relationship between Knowledge sharing and Individual innovation between the individual graduate students Faculty of Allameh Tabatabai University [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 23-38]
Knowledge Sharing
Predicting Knowledge Sharing in Educational Institutions Based on the Dimensions of Toxic Organizational Climate [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Knowledge Sharing
Methods of Knowledge Sharing in Schools to Empower Human Resources [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 123-152]
Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Sharing and Teachers’ Motivation: The Mediating Role of Organizational Learning [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 93-122]
Knowledge sharing behaviors
The Impact of Distributed Leadership on the Teachers Knowledge Sharing
Behaviors in Public Elementary Schools of Tehran City [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 71-96]
Lean Management
Identifying Strategies for Implementing Lean Management in Education [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 147-167]
Designing a qualitative model for the development of learning public schools [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 114-137]
Designing a model for the learning center of Allameh Tabatabai University faculty members in order to empower them [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 128-159]
Learning Culture
Identifying and validating the components of school culture in the primary period of Ardabil city [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 74-94]
Learning organization
Examining the effect of altruism and relationship conflict on organizational learning capacity in Allameh Tabataba'i University Staff [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 87-111]
Learning organization
A model of Learning Organization and its application in higher education centers [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 35-54]
Lived experiences
Analyzing the Characteristics of Efficient Managers of Multi-grade Schools [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 44-80]
Lorestan University
Organizational Cynicism toward Workplace Deviant Behavior: Emphasizing the Role of Citizenship Behavior and Perception of Organizational Politics (Case Study: Lorestan University) [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 1-35]
Mahabad city
Examining the causal model of teachers' negligence based on organizational silence by organizational indifference mediation [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 79-109]
Mamazan Danesh Saraye Ali Sepah-e-Danesh
At the Apex of the Principles: A Reflection on the Life and Academic Services of Dr. Ali Alagheband [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-196]
Management Styles
The Comparison Between Principals Management Styles In Schools, General Public sample, Nonprofit, Gifted High school Teachers' views of downtown Tehran [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 37-56]
Managerial Positions
Analytical Comparison of the Organizational and Management Structure of Iranian Universities with Three Top Foreign Universities [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 6-42]
Manager leadership behavior
The relationship between manager leadership behavior and organizational pessimistic considering the mediating role of organizational justice in education [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 111-148]
Managers' Management Style
The Relationship between Organizational Silence of Employees and Management style and Professional Ethics of managers [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 77-100]
Managers' Skills
Designing a Model of Managerial Skills of Managers with Grounded Theory Method [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 139-161]
Managers' work Quality
Examining the components of improving the work quality of managers and employees of Kabul University [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 136-159]
Master’s programme
The Necessity to Establishing a Master's Programme of Educational Management [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 47-81]
Master - Student interaction
The relationship between classroom climate and academic achievement of students considering the role of teacher-student interaction and academic motivation [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 143-164]
Mazandaran University
The effect knowledge management on organizational innovation in Mazandaran University [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 119-140]
Analysis Applicants' Characteristics and Universities of Ministry of Science' Situation in Employment New Faculty Members [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 121-149]
Mental Health
Examining the relationship between Mental Health and Effective Communications with Productivity from the Perspective of Elementary School Managers [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 85-105]
Exploring Academic Mentoring for Employability of Management Students [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 83-119]
The Effect Of E_Mentoring On Improving The Performance Of Employees [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 32-65]
Mentoring Electronics
The Effect Of E_Mentoring On Improving The Performance Of Employees [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 32-65]
Meta analysis
Relatiionship between leadership style and organizational health in educational sytems: A Meta analyses study [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 97-125]
Designing a conceptual model of mindfulness for educational principals of schools: a grounded theory study [(Articles in Press)]
Mixed Method
Designing and Validating the Organizational Culture Transformation Model Based on the Productivity of Iran's Education System [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 60-91]
Mixed method research
Designing and Validation of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Model for Iranian Higher Education [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 7-39]
Model Design
Design of Educational Safety Model and ... [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 83-118]
Moral Strategies
The Effectiveness of Kant's Conscientious Moral Conservative Role and Moral Strategies in Reducing Organizational Violations through the Mediating Role of Job Motivation [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 91-115]
Multi-grade Classes
Analyzing the Characteristics of Efficient Managers of Multi-grade Schools [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 44-80]
Identifying the mental model of Islamic mysticism experts and educational management compared to Islamic mysticism management based on Q method [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 71-107]
National Petrochemical Company
Feasibility study of implementing a personal development program based on work environment learning In the National Petrochemical C [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 63-89]
Neural Network
Designing a model to analyze the performance of faculty members based on the inputs of the process of attracting and transforming with a fuzzy data mining approach [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 80-113]
Newly-employed teachers
Testing the Causal Model of the Mediating Role of Teacher Motivation in the Relationship between New Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Occupational Commitment by the Recruitment Method [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 39-58]
Exploratory Study of Obstacles to the Researcher Teacher Program Implementation: A Mixed-method Research [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 6-31]
Occupational Stress
Relashinship between Occupational Stress, Coping Strategies and Job Burnout in Primary Schools' Principals [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-145]
Open Innovation
Explanation and Validation of Open University Causal Conditions Based on Innovation Paradigm: A Mixed Approach [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 31-48]
Identifying the Opportunities and Challenges of Supervision and Educational Guidance: A Phenomenological Research [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 27-53]
Oral History of Educational Administration
At the Apex of the Principles: A Reflection on the Life and Academic Services of Dr. Ali Alagheband [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 157-196]
Orgaizational citizenship behavior
Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation: Mediators in the relationship between accountability & jab performance and satisfaction [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 141-164]
Providing scientific model of transparency regarding institutional and organizational loyalty with emphasis on the mediating role of organizational trust of employees of Medical Sciences [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 29-50]
Organizational agility
A Study of The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment of Human Resources and Organizational Agility [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 107-127]
Organizational agility
The mediating role of human capital on the relationship between staffꞌs self-leadership and school's organizational agility [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 55-83]
Organizational agility
The Relationship between Organizational Forgetting With organizational Innovation and organizational Agility Among the Employees of Isfahan Education Organization [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 75-100]
Organizational agility
Relationship between social undermining and employee job involvement with the role of spirituality in work, organizational agility and ethical climate [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 65-90]
Organizational bullying
Structural Pattern of Organizational Bullying with Resistance to Change in Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 1-34]
Organizational bullying
The Impact of Organizational bullying on Organizational Cynicism through Organizational Silence and impression management (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch) [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 37-70]
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
The relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in staff of Allameh Tabatabai University [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
The role of mediating work-life balance in causal relationships between organizational virtue and organizational citizenship behavior of teachers [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 39-64]
Organizational citizenship behaviormotivations
The relationship between core self-assessment and organizational citizenship behavior motivations with organizational citizenship behavior of schools [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 31-50]
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
The Relationship between Psychological capital on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Due to the Moderating Role of Conscientiousness in a Training Public Sector Organization [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 75-98]
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
An Analysis of the Relationship between Social-Collective Investment and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Mediating Role of Affective-Collective Investment among Teachers [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 1-27]
Organizational citizenship behaviour
The study of relationship between social capital, professional ethics and organizational citizenship behavior among high school,s teachers in Meshkinshahr [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 127-156]
Organizational creativity
Mediating Role of Organizational Structure in the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Creativity [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 101-123]
Organizational Culture
The mediating effect of organizational culture and
knowledge sharing on transformational leadership and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems success at
the University [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 137-163]
Organizational Culture
The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Change Management in the Public Offices of Karaj [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 127-147]
Organizational Culture
Designing and Validating the Organizational Culture Transformation Model Based on the Productivity of Iran's Education System [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 60-91]
Organizational Cynicism
Organizational Cynicism toward Workplace Deviant Behavior: Emphasizing the Role of Citizenship Behavior and Perception of Organizational Politics (Case Study: Lorestan University) [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 1-35]
Organizational Cynicism
The Impact of Organizational bullying on Organizational Cynicism through Organizational Silence and impression management (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch) [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 37-70]
Organizational Cynicism
The effect of organizational cynicism on deviant behaviors in the workplace through organizational silence and destructive leadership (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch) [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 1-38]
Organizational Cynicism
Psychometric Properties of Organizational Cynicism Questionnaire (OCQ) among the Academic Staff [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 82-103]
Organizational Development
The Relationship between Implementation Principles of Implementation with Organizational Accelerations, Ethical Leadership and Empowerment of Managers (Case study: Employees of national banks in Sari, District 1) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 1-24]
Organizational Effectiveness
Servant leadership Role In Organizational Effectiveness Of Schools [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 113-140]
Organizational health
relashtionship between moral leadership and psychological agreement teachers organizational health [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 57-93]
Organizational health
Relatiionship between leadership style and organizational health in educational sytems: A Meta analyses study [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 97-125]
Organizational health
The Relationship between Organizational Health and Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Job Satisfaction of Allameh Tabatabaei University’s Staff. [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Organizational Health Behavior
The Relationship between Organizational Health and Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Job Satisfaction of Allameh Tabatabaei University’s Staff. [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Organizational Identity
Surveying the relationship between organizational identity and job burnout with job performance of teachers of Secondary School District 2 of Khorramabad City [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 117-146]
Organizational Identity
The Perceived Organizational Image of the University and Its Relationship with the Identity, Reputation, and Organizational Commitment of Employees and Faculty Members: A Case Study of Kurdistan University [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 113-151]
Organizational Innovation
The effect knowledge management on organizational innovation in Mazandaran University [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 119-140]
Organizational Innovation
The Relationship between Organizational Forgetting With organizational Innovation and organizational Agility Among the Employees of Isfahan Education Organization [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 75-100]
Organizational justice
The relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in staff of Allameh Tabatabai University [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
Organizational justice
The relationship between manager leadership behavior and organizational pessimistic considering the mediating role of organizational justice in education [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 111-148]
Organizational justice
The mediator role organizational commitment in relationship between organizational justice and commitment to change [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 137-154]
Organizational justice
The Effect of Organizational Support on Professional Ethics with the Mediating Role of Organizational Justice in Secondary School Teachers [(Articles in Press)]
Organizational learning capacity
Examining the effect of altruism and relationship conflict on organizational learning capacity in Allameh Tabataba'i University Staff [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 87-111]
Organizational Performance
Relationship between Human Capital and Organizational Performance:
The Case of Asia Insurance Company [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1-30]
Organizational Performance
The role of Relationship Manager and Employees in Organizational Performance by mediating Intra-Organizational Trust and Collaboration [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 1-23]
Organizational Performance
The Role of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Style of Managers on Organizational Performance of the Staff of the University of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 1-35]
Organizational pessimistic
The relationship between manager leadership behavior and organizational pessimistic considering the mediating role of organizational justice in education [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 111-148]
Organizational Reputation
The Perceived Organizational Image of the University and Its Relationship with the Identity, Reputation, and Organizational Commitment of Employees and Faculty Members: A Case Study of Kurdistan University [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 113-151]
Organizational resilience
The Relationship between Organizational Trust and Organizational Resilience with the Perception of Organizational Silence among Secondary School Art Teachers in Karbala city [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 92-114]
Organizational silence
Organizational silence, warning in higher education: identify factors causing it among staff University of Mohaghegh Ardabil
(Mixed method) [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 129-152]
Organizational silence
Examining the causal model of teachers' negligence based on organizational silence by organizational indifference mediation [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 79-109]
Organizational silence
Investigating the Role of Moral Leadership in Predicting of Job Behavior and Breaking the Organizational Silence [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 109-136]
Organizational silence
The Impact of Organizational bullying on Organizational Cynicism through Organizational Silence and impression management (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch) [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 37-70]
Organizational silence
The effect of organizational cynicism on deviant behaviors in the workplace through organizational silence and destructive leadership (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch) [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 1-38]
Organizational silence
The Relationship between Organizational Silence of Employees and Management style and Professional Ethics of managers [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 77-100]
Organizational silence
The Relationship between Organizational Trust and Organizational Resilience with the Perception of Organizational Silence among Secondary School Art Teachers in Karbala city [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 92-114]
Organizational Socialization
The Effectiveness of Psychological Capital Training on Organizational Socialization and Job Burnout of Khorramabad Education Staff [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 171-192]
Organizational Structure
Mediating Role of Organizational Structure in the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Creativity [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 101-123]
Organizational Structure
Analytical Comparison of the Organizational and Management Structure of Iranian Universities with Three Top Foreign Universities [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 6-42]
Organizational Support
The Effect of Organizational Support on Professional Ethics with the Mediating Role of Organizational Justice in Secondary School Teachers [(Articles in Press)]
Organizational trust
The Examining relationship between distributed leadership of principals and organizational trust of teachers in public high schools in tehran city [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 35-56]
Organizational trust
The Relationship between Organizational Trust and Organizational Resilience with the Perception of Organizational Silence among Secondary School Art Teachers in Karbala city [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 92-114]
Organizational Violations
The Effectiveness of Kant's Conscientious Moral Conservative Role and Moral Strategies in Reducing Organizational Violations through the Mediating Role of Job Motivation [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 91-115]
Palaesh Neft Company
The Effect Of E_Mentoring On Improving The Performance Of Employees [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 32-65]
Explanation and Validation of Open University Causal Conditions Based on Innovation Paradigm: A Mixed Approach [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 31-48]
Perceived organizational support
Structural Equation Modeling of the Relationship between Interactive Leadership Style and Perceived Organizational Support with Subjective Well-Being: the Mediating Role of Psychological Hardiness [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 7-38]
Perceived Value
Satisfaction and Loyalty in Students [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 73-90]
Perception of Organizational Politics
Organizational Cynicism toward Workplace Deviant Behavior: Emphasizing the Role of Citizenship Behavior and Perception of Organizational Politics (Case Study: Lorestan University) [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 1-35]
Perceptions of Job Complexity
The Impact of Shared Leadership on Proactive Innovation Behaviors with Considering Perceptions of Job Complexity and Creative Self-Efficacy [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 32-57]
Designing a Model for Evaluating the Annual Professional Performance of the Primary School Teachers in the Country; a Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 59-85]
Examining the components of improving the work quality of managers and employees of Kabul University [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 136-159]
Person–Organization Fit
Individual Values and Person–Organization Fit in faculty members and Staff of the Qom University [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 63-84]
Phenomenological method
Exploring the Perceptions of Knowledge-Based and Technology Company Managers on the Reasons for the Unpreparedness of Bachelor’s Graduates for Employment [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 85-112]
Representing the problems of the thesis and dissertation process: A qualitative study [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 25-57]
Experiences of virtual educational supervision in primary schools: from confusion to professionalization [(Articles in Press)]
Policy Capacity
A Causal Explanation of Capacity of Iranian Higher Education Policies Based on the Synergy of Policy Research Institutions [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 125-148]
Positive Teaching excitements
Investigating the mediating role of character strengths and virtues in the relationship between gender and positive and negative excitements of elementary teachers in the classroom [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 123-143]
Developing the System of Values based on Cultural Quotient of University Presidents [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-21]
Primary schools
Study of relationship between transformational leadership style of managers and employees’ readiness for changing Primary Schools of Javanrood in 2014-2015 [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 51-74]
Primary schools
Identifying and Prioritizing Components and Indicators of Educational Inequality in Elementary Schools [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 47-76]
Primary schools
Designing a model for facilitating the teaching-learning process [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2023, Pages 7-45]
Primary Schools' Principals
Relashinship between Occupational Stress, Coping Strategies and Job Burnout in Primary Schools' Principals [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 119-145]
Proactive Innovative Behavior
The Impact of Shared Leadership on Proactive Innovation Behaviors with Considering Perceptions of Job Complexity and Creative Self-Efficacy [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 32-57]
Examining the Problems (Challenges) of Iranian Higher Education Economy [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 7-46]
Procedural Justice
The relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in staff of Allameh Tabatabai University [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 1-20]
Professional Competence
Identifying and Evaluating the Professional Competence of Principals of Primary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 39-66]
Professional Competencies
Exploring Professional Development and comprehensive analysis of new teachers’ competence [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 153-178]
Professional Ethics of Professor
Structural model of the role of professional ethics of teaching professors in student loyalty and university brand equity [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 149-177]
Professional Skills Tool
Global Experiences in Individual Development Plan (IDP) [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 81-125]
Relationship between Human Capital and Organizational Performance:
The Case of Asia Insurance Company [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 1-30]
Examining the components of improving the work quality of managers and employees of Kabul University [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 136-159]
Psychological hardiness
Structural Equation Modeling of the Relationship between Interactive Leadership Style and Perceived Organizational Support with Subjective Well-Being: the Mediating Role of Psychological Hardiness [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 7-38]
Psychometric properties
Psychometric Properties of Organizational Cynicism Questionnaire (OCQ) among the Academic Staff [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 82-103]
Public Education
Meta-synthesis analysis of costs and benefits in general and Higher education [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 59-89]
Public Offices of Karaj
The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Change Management in the Public Offices of Karaj [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 127-147]
Q Method
Identifying the mental model of Islamic mysticism experts and educational management compared to Islamic mysticism management based on Q method [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 71-107]
Qualitative study
Qualitative Study of Accountability Strategies of Public Universities from the Viewpoint of Higher Education Experts Accountability Strategies of Public Universities [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 1-27]
Quality of Work life
The effect of leadership style on employees Welfare (case Study: The employees of Education and instruction office of Tehran province) [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 71-95]
Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
Exploration on the development strategy model in Higher Education Based on SOAR model [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 123-148]
Razi University
TOrganizational learning and the effect on organizational commitment among employees and managers at Razi University in Kermanshah [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2016, Pages 127-147]
Razi University of Kermanshah
The Model causal Secure-Base leadership in Reducing Retaliatory Behaviors with Mediator Role of Working Conscience [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 51-72]
Readiness for change
The Impact of Quantum leadership on Promoting Change through the Perceived Communication Quality of Change and the Possibility of Change [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 1-1]
Readiness for change
The effect of knowledge management on commitment to change through the quality of perceived communication of change and readiness to change [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 91-118]
Real Needs of Society
Designing a model of skill-oriented education in schools based on the real needs of society using data base theor [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 89-126]
Relationship conflict
Examining the effect of altruism and relationship conflict on organizational learning capacity in Allameh Tabataba'i University Staff [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 87-111]
The relationship between spirituality and organizational commitment Razi University of Kermanshah [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 193-215]
Research Safety
Design of Educational Safety Model and ... [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 83-118]
Resistance to Change
Structural Pattern of Organizational Bullying with Resistance to Change in Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 1-34]
Reverse Knowledge
Identifying and Evaluating the Professional Competence of Principals of Primary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 39-66]
Designing a model to analyze the performance of faculty members based on the inputs of the process of attracting and transforming with a fuzzy data mining approach [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 80-113]
Identify and Prioritize the Potential Risks of the Training Process of Target Community at Governance Organizations [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 133-150]
School Culture
The Healthy School Pattern Development : A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 109-132]
School Culture
The role of teachers' attitude and school culture in predicting the self-efficacy of primary school teachers [(Articles in Press)]
School Management
A Critical Approach to Histographical of Educational Administration [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 1-35]
School Management
An Introduction to the Critical Paradigm in Educational Administration [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 180-208]
School managers
The Relationship between Managers Leadership Style with using information Technology in school of bandar jask [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 149-173]
School Productivity
Methods of Knowledge Sharing in Schools to Empower Human Resources [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 123-152]
The mediating role of human capital on the relationship between staffꞌs self-leadership and school's organizational agility [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 55-83]
Study of the Components and Indicators of Effectiveness of Secondary Schools in Hormozgan Province in order to provide a model for improving the educational system in schools [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 25-61]
The role of mediating work-life balance in causal relationships between organizational virtue and organizational citizenship behavior of teachers [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 39-64]
Designing a qualitative model for the development of learning public schools [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 114-137]
Secondary Education
Investigating the effect of financial literacy on financial socialization and financial self-efficacy (case study: secondary school students in Afghanistan) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 96-129]
Secondary school teachers
The role of perception of moral leadership of managers in the motivation and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 58-78]
Secure-Base leadership
The Model causal Secure-Base leadership in Reducing Retaliatory Behaviors with Mediator Role of Working Conscience [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 51-72]
Security at school
Examining the Causal Model of Students' Educational vitality Based on Active participation by Security at school Mediation [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 3-3]
The mediating role of human capital on the relationship between staffꞌs self-leadership and school's organizational agility [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 55-83]
Semnan province
Solutions to Facilitate Activities in Student Research Centers; Teachers' Point of View [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 160-178]
Servant Leadership
Servant leadership Role In Organizational Effectiveness Of Schools [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 113-140]
Shared leadership
The Impact of Shared Leadership on Proactive Innovation Behaviors with Considering Perceptions of Job Complexity and Creative Self-Efficacy [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2023, Pages 32-57]
Shared leadership
Investigating the Impact of Shared Leadership on Innovative Behavior with the Mediating Role of Strategic Decision Making [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 40-58]
Shiraz university
A Study of The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment of Human Resources and Organizational Agility [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 107-127]
Skill-based Education
Designing a model of skill-oriented education in schools based on the real needs of society using data base theor [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 89-126]
Skill-building programs
Identification of Platforms for the Realization of Educational Leadership in Elementary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 67-91]
Designing a Model of Managerial Skills of Managers with Grounded Theory Method [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 139-161]
Identifying and Evaluating the Professional Competence of Principals of Primary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 39-66]
Small Learning Communities
Studying the Challenges and Strategies of the
Conversion of Students Dormitory of Allameh
Tabataba’i University into the Small Learning
Communities [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 67-96]
SOAR strategic model
Exploration on the development strategy model in Higher Education Based on SOAR model [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 123-148]
Social Capital
The study of relationship between social capital, professional ethics and organizational citizenship behavior among high school,s teachers in Meshkinshahr [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 127-156]
Social Capital
The Impact of Knowledge Management on Human Resource Productivity through Cultural Capital and Social Capital (Case Study: Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch) [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 37-70]
Social Capital
Investigating the Effect of Islamic Leadership on Deviant Behaviors in the Workplace through Islamic Work Ethic and Social Capital [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 69-99]
Social Contribution
the Mediation Role of Perceived Social Value Between Perceived Transformational leadership and Job Commitment in Guilan Technical & Vocational Organization. [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 61-82]
Social Responsibility
the Mediation Role of Perceived Social Value Between Perceived Transformational leadership and Job Commitment in Guilan Technical & Vocational Organization. [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 61-82]
Social Value
the Mediation Role of Perceived Social Value Between Perceived Transformational leadership and Job Commitment in Guilan Technical & Vocational Organization. [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 61-82]
The relationship between spirituality and organizational commitment Razi University of Kermanshah [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 193-215]
Spirituality in the Work
Relationship between social undermining and employee job involvement with the role of spirituality in work, organizational agility and ethical climate [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 65-90]
Spiritual Well-Being
Relationship between Spiritual well-being and Authentic leadership with Elementary Teacher's Academic Optimism [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 119-142]
Staff training
Pathology of Training Approaches in Public Organizations Based on Casual Layered Analysis Method [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 41-67]
Strategic decision making
Investigating the Impact of Shared Leadership on Innovative Behavior with the Mediating Role of Strategic Decision Making [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 40-58]
Strategic management obstacles
Research Synthesis on Obstacles to Strategy Implementation in Iranian Government Institutions: A Strategic Evolutionary Circle or Routinely Vicious Circle [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 109-131]
Identifying Strategies for Implementing Lean Management in Education [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 147-167]
Strategy implementation barriers
Research Synthesis on Obstacles to Strategy Implementation in Iranian Government Institutions: A Strategic Evolutionary Circle or Routinely Vicious Circle [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 109-131]
Strategy implementation problems
Research Synthesis on Obstacles to Strategy Implementation in Iranian Government Institutions: A Strategic Evolutionary Circle or Routinely Vicious Circle [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 109-131]
Structural Equation Model
A model of Learning Organization and its application in higher education centers [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 35-54]
Structural Equation Modelling
Designing and Validating the Organizational Culture Transformation Model Based on the Productivity of Iran's Education System [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2024, Pages 60-91]
Student Dormitory
Studying the Challenges and Strategies of the
Conversion of Students Dormitory of Allameh
Tabataba’i University into the Small Learning
Communities [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 67-96]
Student Loyalty
Structural model of the role of professional ethics of teaching professors in student loyalty and university brand equity [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 149-177]
Students’ Academic Achievement
The relationship between classroom climate and academic achievement of students considering the role of teacher-student interaction and academic motivation [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 143-164]
Student Satisfaction
Structural model of the role of professional ethics of teaching professors in student loyalty and university brand equity [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 149-177]
Student's Development
A Model for Developingَ Spiritual Leadership in College Students
(Case: Islamic Azad University, Science Research Branch of Tehran) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 2-2]
the effect of managers' decision making styles on success management
strategies at Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 57-83]
Successful managers
Analyzing the Characteristics of Efficient Managers of Multi-grade Schools [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 44-80]
Succession Planning
Glass ceiling in succession planning of women in management positions [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Pages 91-118]
Successor of managers
The Relationship between Implementation Principles of Implementation with Organizational Accelerations, Ethical Leadership and Empowerment of Managers (Case study: Employees of national banks in Sari, District 1) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 1-24]
Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions
Presenting an Operational Model for Sustainability Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions: University of Tehran as a Case of Study [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 53-85]
Sustainable Development
The Relationship between Quality of Higher Education
Output and Sustainable Development based on a
Systemic Approach and Development of a Conceptual
Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 97-117]
Sustainable Development
Presenting an Operational Model for Sustainability Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions: University of Tehran as a Case of Study [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 53-85]
Sustainable Development
Environment in Higher Education: Attitudes, Environmental Knowledge and Sustainability Components at University [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 107-125]
Sustainable Development
Critical Analysis of Teacher Empowerment Policies [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 104-135]
Sustainable University
Environment in Higher Education: Attitudes, Environmental Knowledge and Sustainability Components at University [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 107-125]
Systematic Approach
Designing a Model of Managerial Skills of Managers with Grounded Theory Method [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 139-161]
Systemic Approach
The Relationship between Quality of Higher Education
Output and Sustainable Development based on a
Systemic Approach and Development of a Conceptual
Model [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 97-117]
The relationship between self-efficacy, work engagement and inner motivation with teacher's job performance [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 101-120]
Designing a Teacher's Competency Model with a Meta-Composite Qualitative Approach [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 173-193]
Teacher Commitment
Compilation And Validation of “Teachers Professional Virtue” Evaluation Questionnaire [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 123-171]
Teacher effectiveness
The relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards instructional leadership behaviors of their principals and teachers’ attitudes towards change and Their Effectiveness [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 149-176]
Teacher Empowerment
Methods of Knowledge Sharing in Schools to Empower Human Resources [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 123-152]
Teacher Empowerment
Identification of Platforms for the Realization of Educational Leadership in Elementary Schools [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 67-91]
Teacher self-efficacy
Testing the Causal Model of the Mediating Role of Teacher Motivation in the Relationship between New Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Occupational Commitment by the Recruitment Method [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 39-58]
Teachers’ occupational commitment
Testing the Causal Model of the Mediating Role of Teacher Motivation in the Relationship between New Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Occupational Commitment by the Recruitment Method [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 39-58]
Teaching portfolio
Exploring Professional Development and comprehensive analysis of new teachers’ competence [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2024, Pages 153-178]
Team empowerment
Compare the assessment center (AC) in occupations with high and low task interdependence in the individual and team empowerment [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 1-34]
Technical and Vocational Training Organization
The Relationship between the Use of ICT with General Self-efficacy and Job Performance among Staff of Technical Education and Vocational Training Organization [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2016, Pages 99-122]
The Effect Of E_Mentoring On Improving The Performance Of Employees [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 32-65]
Tehran North Branch
Structural Pattern of Organizational Bullying with Resistance to Change in Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2018, Pages 1-34]
Tehran University
A model of Learning Organization and its application in higher education centers [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 35-54]
A Critical Approach to Histographical of Educational Administration [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 1-35]
Theme Analysis
Validation of managers' digital competencies model (Case of study: Organization of Education Evaluation of the country) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 66-88]
Representing the problems of the thesis and dissertation process: A qualitative study [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2018, Pages 25-57]
Thinking Styles
Relationship between thinking Styles and self-development with the Competency of Educational Managers in Primary School Managers of Tabadakan Area [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2018, Pages 5-5]
Toxic Interpersonal Relationships
Predicting Knowledge Sharing in Educational Institutions Based on the Dimensions of Toxic Organizational Climate [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Toxic Leadership
Predicting Knowledge Sharing in Educational Institutions Based on the Dimensions of Toxic Organizational Climate [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Toxic Physical Structure
Predicting Knowledge Sharing in Educational Institutions Based on the Dimensions of Toxic Organizational Climate [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Toxic Service Reward and Compensation System
Predicting Knowledge Sharing in Educational Institutions Based on the Dimensions of Toxic Organizational Climate [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 7-29]
Training process
Identify and Prioritize the Potential Risks of the Training Process of Target Community at Governance Organizations [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2018, Pages 133-150]
Transactional Leadership
The Role of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Style of Managers on Organizational Performance of the Staff of the University of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 1-35]
Factors Affecting the Transformation of Iranian Higher Education System in the Field of Liberal Arts [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 7-37]
Transformational Leadership
The mediating effect of organizational culture and
knowledge sharing on transformational leadership and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems success at
the University [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 137-163]
Transformational Leadership
Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Excellence of Educational Offices of Zanjan Province [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Pages 153-173]
Transformational Leadership
The relationship between transformative leadership and self efficacy of faculty members
K.N.T.U [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 45-59]
Transformational Leadership
the Mediation Role of Perceived Social Value Between Perceived Transformational leadership and Job Commitment in Guilan Technical & Vocational Organization. [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2017, Pages 61-82]
Transformational Leadership
The Role of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Style of Managers on Organizational Performance of the Staff of the University of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 1-35]
Transformational Leadership
Investigating The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior in Higher Education of Health System of Iran with mediating Role of Person–Organization Fit and Knowledge Sharing Behavior [(Articles in Press)]
Transformation of Higher Education System
Factors Affecting the Transformation of Iranian Higher Education System in the Field of Liberal Arts [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 7-37]
Transformation of liberal arts
Factors Affecting the Transformation of Iranian Higher Education System in the Field of Liberal Arts [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2022, Pages 7-37]
Exploring the necessary platforms for the transition from educational management to educational leadership [(Articles in Press)]
Transition Leadership Style
Mediating Role of Organizational Structure in the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Creativity [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2022, Pages 101-123]
Trust Organizational Loyalty
Providing scientific model of transparency regarding institutional and organizational loyalty with emphasis on the mediating role of organizational trust of employees of Medical Sciences [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 29-50]
Analysis Applicants' Characteristics and Universities of Ministry of Science' Situation in Employment New Faculty Members [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Pages 121-149]
Examine the relationship between Knowledge sharing and Individual innovation between the individual graduate students Faculty of Allameh Tabatabai University [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 23-38]
Construction of Knowledge Commercialization Scale for Universities and Its Validation [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2022, Pages 129-134]
University Administrators
Development and validation a general competencies model for public universities’ administrators [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 50-72]
University-Industry Relations
Exploring Academic Mentoring for Employability of Management Students [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2022, Pages 83-119]
University of Qom
The Role of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Style of Managers on Organizational Performance of the Staff of the University of Qom [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 1-35]
University of Science and Culture
The Effect of Self-Development on Employees’ Job Performance of Universities and Higher Education Centers (Case study: University of Science and Culture) [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 119-137]
University Reputation
Structural model of the role of professional ethics of teaching professors in student loyalty and university brand equity [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2018, Pages 149-177]
University’s Sustainability Evaluation
Presenting an Operational Model for Sustainability Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions: University of Tehran as a Case of Study [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2017, Pages 53-85]
Development and validation a general competencies model for public universities’ administrators [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 50-72]
Compilation And Validation of “Teachers Professional Virtue” Evaluation Questionnaire [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2024, Pages 123-171]
Value-creating Skills
Designing a model of skill-oriented education in schools based on the real needs of society using data base theor [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2023, Pages 89-126]
Value System
Developing the System of Values based on Cultural Quotient of University Presidents [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-21]
Virtual Education
Designing an Efficient Virtual Education Pattern in Farhangian University [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2024, Pages 130-164]
Virtual Education
Experiences of virtual educational supervision in primary schools: from confusion to professionalization [(Articles in Press)]
Virtual educational supervision
Experiences of virtual educational supervision in primary schools: from confusion to professionalization [(Articles in Press)]
William Foster
An Introduction to the Critical Paradigm in Educational Administration [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 180-208]
Work-Life Balance
The role of mediating work-life balance in causal relationships between organizational virtue and organizational citizenship behavior of teachers [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2018, Pages 39-64]
Work Motivation
Examining the components of improving the work quality of managers and employees of Kabul University [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2023, Pages 136-159]
Workplace Learning
Feasibility study of implementing a personal development program based on work environment learning In the National Petrochemical C [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2018, Pages 63-89]