Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A in Educational Administration

2 Associate Professor of Urmiah

3 Assistant Professor of Shahid Madani University of Azarbaijan,(Corresponding author)


The presented research is provided to investigate relationship Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation: Mediators in the relationship between accountability & job performance and satisfaction using descriptive-correlation method. The population was 640 Faculty members of University of Tabriz. Also, the sample size was 180 which selected stratified random sampling, using Kokran formula. The collected data in this research has used five questionnaire as follow Hochwarter et al (2005) Measure of accountability, Paterson’s (1990) job performance Scale, Brayfield & Roths’s (1951) job satisfaction Scale, Podsakoff’s (1990) Orgaizational citizenship behavior scale and Hochwarter, Ferris and Zinko’s reputation scale (2007) respectively. The reliability thorough Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.70, 0.88, 0.65, 0.81 and 0.87, respectively. For statistical analysis, Pierson correlation and structural equation modeling have been used. The results of study indicate accountability has significant positive relationship and direct impact on Orgaizational citizenship behavior. Also, Orgaizational citizenship behavior has significant positive relationship and direct impact on reputation. Furthermore; the results of study indicate that path analysis of reputation on job performance is significant. Hence, Mediator role of Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation in relationship between accountability and job performance is certified. Moreover, the results of study indicate that path analysis of reputation on job satisfaction is not significant. Hence, Mediator role of Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation in relationship between accountability and job satisfaction is not certified


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