Document Type : Research Paper


Specialized Ph.D. in Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the perception of teachers regarding the efficiency of school principals in the elementary school. An attempt was made to draw the meaning of the teachers' perception of the efficiency of a principal in elementary school with the help of the interpretive approach, and in this regard, the understanding and evaluation of the participants was depicted. The present research is a qualitative study conducted using the descriptive phenomenological method. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Semi-structured interviews with 22 teachers were conducted until the data were saturated. Qualitative data analysis using the five-step method of Giorgi et al. (2017) led to discovery and classification of eight main themes and forty-four sub-themes. The eight main aspects of efficiency include "personal-individual, communicative-social, psychological, leadership-methodological, spiritual-ethical, strategic, revolutionary-Islamic, and technical-professional." In terms of the importance and criterion of repetition in the perspective of the participants, the communication-social effect showed the highest frequency and the technical-professional effect showed the lowest frequency. The originality of this research is in reminding the validity of human relationships in human environments. Therefore, while using the correct selection and appointment approaches as well as using effective empowerment strategies, it is possible to move from the static management of primary schools to efficient leadership.
