Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor at Hakim Sabzevari University

2 M.A. candidate of Educational Management at Allameh Tabataba’i University

3 M.A. candidate of Educational Management at the University of Khorramabad

4 M.A. candidate of Educational Management at Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran


This  study  is  aimed  at  investigating  the  relationship  between  locus  of
control  and  self-control  and  organizational  commitment  of  the  staff
serving with Education Department of Sabzevar. To this end, a group of
70  staff  members  were  selected  as  the  sample  from  among  the  120
personnel by means of the simple random sampling method and involved
in the study. The research data were gathered by means of Rotter’s Locus
of  Control  Scale  with  a  reliability  coefficient  of  0.83,  Newstorm  and
Davis Self-control Questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.65, and
Allen  and  Meyer  Organizational  Commitment  Scale  with  a  reliability
coefficient  of  0.79.  The  collected  data  were  analyzed  with  SPSS  18
application and Pearson correlation test, multivariate analysis (MANOVA)
and  some  other  supplementary  tests.  Results  suggest  that  there  is  a
positive relation between locus of control, self-control and organizational
commitment.  Furthermore,  locus  of  control  and  self-control  are
independently related to organizational commitment.


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