Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor of curriculum planning , educational sciences department , faculty of human sciences , arak , Islamic Azad university , arak , Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 Curriculum planning Ph.D. Student, faculty of humanities , educational sciences , arak Islamic Azad university , arak , Iran

3 Assistant Professor of educational systems technology, educational sciences department , faculty of human sciences , arak Islamic Azad university , arak Iran



This qualitative-quantitative study aimed at designing and validating the pattern of elements that are less defined in the curriculum intended to promote elementary school teachers in integrated-inclusive education. For this, the data required were gathered via 25 semi-structured interviews with integrated-inclusive education experts who had valuable experiences regarding the research’s subject. Accordingly, a total of 35 references were collected through the purposive snowball sampling method and further by studying relevant texts and documents. The obtained data were analyzed through the deductive thematic analysis. Then, the codes obtained from interviews were merged with the data extracted from the documents. the findings of this research showed the desirable pattern of teacher empowerment program in elementary - inclusive education in which the features and instances of elements , goals , educational content , teaching method and evaluation method were identified .The results of the fuzzy Delphi technique were further validated, suggesting that employing the pattern obtained in this research for curriculum to promote elementary school teachers in integrative-inclusive education can be effective and worth exploring, as this pattern play a pivotal role in improving the quality of this curriculum.
