Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author: Ph.D. in Assessment and Measurement, AllameTabataba´i University: email:

2 .Associate Professor of Assessment and Measurement Department, AllameTabataba´i University

3 Professor of Assessment and Measurement Department ,AllameTabataba´i University

4 Associate Professor of Assessment and Measurement Department ,AllameTabataba´i University

5 Associate Professor of Educational Administration Department, AllameTabataba´i University


Studies on the topic of managing employee performance evaluation, assessing competencies of job analysis and job evaluation as a source of data collection used. The results of this research can be used when the reliability of the data is acceptable. Researchers to estimate the reliability of these data are the means of inter-rater reliability of Cronbach's alpha is used. The formula for errors in the data are considered as random error, while systematic errors exist in many of the conditions that must be considered when estimating their reliability. For this reason, these formulas can not properly estimate the reliability assessment. This article attempts to application generalizability theory to predict the reliability of the assessment will be presented. The weaknesses of classical test theory and the ability to estimate the reliability generalizability theory described. Then explained the steps to applying generalizibility theory with crossed and nested measurement models with an example that researchers using them can make job analysis, reliability of data more accurately to estimate.


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