Research Paper
The relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in staff of Allameh Tabatabai University

Ali Delavar; Maryam Mohammad Taghinasab

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, Pages 1-20

  Objective: This study has been performed to investigate the relationship of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior staff Allameh Tabatabai University Methods: The sample consisted of 200 employees of Allameh Tabatabai University who were selected by random sampling method. Data ...  Read More

Research Paper
Designing of accreditation model for Iran's higher education system based on of grounded theory

Abbas Abbaspour; Mohammad Mojtabazadeh; Hasan Maleki; Magsood Farasatkhah

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, Pages 21-53

  In this paper, using the approach of emic or orientation from the inside, have paid to analyze the understanding of scientific community actors from accreditation model of system higher education of country. research based on grounded theory, constitute the methodology of this study. according to the ...  Read More

Research Paper
The mediating role of human capital on the relationship between staffꞌs self-leadership and school's organizational agility

Seyed Mohammad Mirkamali; Kobra Khabareh; Ebrahim Mazari; Younes Roumiani

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, Pages 55-83

  This study aimed to explain the mediating role of human capital on the relationship between stuff's self-leadership and school's organizational agility. The research method was descriptive and correlational and data analysis method was SEM. The population consists of all administrators, principals, teachers ...  Read More

Research Paper
Investigate the relationship between job characteristics and cultural the productivity of human resources of staff education

Ali Rashidi; Hamid Rahimian

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, Pages 85-105

  This research aimed to investigate the relationship between job characteristics and cultural the productivity of human resources in staff education was Torbat city. To this end a group consisting of 130 employees of the education between torbat advert staff and the simple random sampling as rock samples ...  Read More

Research Paper
A Study of The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment of Human Resources and Organizational Agility

Shamsollah Azizi Asl; Rahmatollah Mazroughi; Ja’far Jahani

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, Pages 107-127

  The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between Psychological empowerment of human resources and organizational agility from the viewpoint of Shiraz university staff. Statistical population of this study was all Shiraz university staff that by multistage cluster sampling, 303 staff ...  Read More

Research Paper
Organizational silence, warning in higher education: identify factors causing it among staff University of Mohaghegh Ardabil (Mixed method)

Adel Zahed babaelan; HASAN AHMADI; Seyyed mohammad Seyyed kalan

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, Pages 129-152

  The aim of the current research was to identify causes of organizational silence among the staff of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabil. To achieve the aim, case study was used which first qualitative phase was conducted and after that quantitative data was collected and analyzed. The research population ...  Read More

Research Paper
Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Excellence of Educational Offices of Zanjan Province

Ehsan Ekradi; Yasser Mohammad Nia; Mojtaba Abbasi

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, Pages 153-173

  The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational excellence of educational offices of Zanjan province. In this study, the variables of transformational leadership and organizational excellence were considered as the independent variable ...  Read More