Research Paper
Mehdi Samimi; Seyed babak Alavi
Using Distributed leadership framework in studying the leadership phenomena in teams at educational environment, has received more attention by scholars in these years. Distributed leadership has been studied in teams which introduced new interdisciplinary programs, updated curriculum, or engaged in ...
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Using Distributed leadership framework in studying the leadership phenomena in teams at educational environment, has received more attention by scholars in these years. Distributed leadership has been studied in teams which introduced new interdisciplinary programs, updated curriculum, or engaged in interdisciplinary research and educational areas. Although the results of these researches indicated positive consequences mostly, the need for exploratory studies to identify situational and contextual factors in distributed leadership effectiveness has been mentioned. In other words, it has been suggested that the effectiveness of distributed leadership in teams may be affected by situational and contextual factors. In the current multiple case study, after the initial study of leadership and its functions in some schools of Sharif University of Technology, new educational major founding teams were selected for deeper case study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and were analyzed with grounded theory approach. Comparison of cases’ results with each other based on building theory from case studies approach, revealed three categories of situational and contextual factors; including factors related to teams’ goals and objectives, members and environment. These factors affect distributed leadership effectiveness through facilitating the process and strengthening distributed leadership practice in teams. Finally, based on the findings and theoretical arguments, future research propositions have been suggested.
Research Paper
Ebrahim Alizadeh; Mohammadreza Falsafinezhad; Ali Delavar; Noor Ali Farrokhi; Abbas Abbaspour
Studies on the topic of managing employee performance evaluation, assessing competencies of job analysis and job evaluation as a source of data collection used. The results of this research can be used when the reliability of the data is acceptable. Researchers to estimate the reliability of these data ...
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Studies on the topic of managing employee performance evaluation, assessing competencies of job analysis and job evaluation as a source of data collection used. The results of this research can be used when the reliability of the data is acceptable. Researchers to estimate the reliability of these data are the means of inter-rater reliability of Cronbach's alpha is used. The formula for errors in the data are considered as random error, while systematic errors exist in many of the conditions that must be considered when estimating their reliability. For this reason, these formulas can not properly estimate the reliability assessment. This article attempts to application generalizability theory to predict the reliability of the assessment will be presented. The weaknesses of classical test theory and the ability to estimate the reliability generalizability theory described. Then explained the steps to applying generalizibility theory with crossed and nested measurement models with an example that researchers using them can make job analysis, reliability of data more accurately to estimate.
Research Paper
Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh; Mohammad Hassani; Jale Hassannajad; Ebrahim Joday Alvarolia
The presented research is provided to study interactive effects of conscientiousness of psychological climate on job performance organizational citizenship behavior employee of district one and two of education office urmia city . The population was 452 Facullty members of Urmia university. Also, the ...
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The presented research is provided to study interactive effects of conscientiousness of psychological climate on job performance organizational citizenship behavior employee of district one and two of education office urmia city . The population was 452 Facullty members of Urmia university. Also, the sample size was 211 which selected stratified random sampling, using Morgan formula. The collected data in this research has used four questionnaire as follow Duchon and Ashmus’s (2000) Measure of Spirituality, Spritzer’s (1995) Psychological Empowerment Scale, Schutte and et al’s (1998) Emotional Intelligence Scale and Chan and Drasgow’s (2001) motivation to lead scale, respectively. The reliability thorough Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 86%, 86%, 90% and 84%, respectively. Moreover, for checking that data is normal, Kolmogorov-Smirnov nonparametric test has been used. For statistical analysis, Pierson correlation and multiple regressions has been used. The results of correlation indicate that there are significant positive relationship between spirituality, psychological empowerment and emotional intelligence and motivation to lead. Furthermore, the results of multiple regressions indicate that psychological empowerment and emotional intelligence have higher power of prediction. On the contrary, spirituality has lower power of prediction. Also, the findings of this research examined that there are not significant relationship among gender and professional positions with motivation to lead.
Research Paper
Esmaeil Zareii Zavaraki; Hossein Mokhtari Hashemabad
Although Sefety is known one of the first and axiom requirement of human and societies,but this important subject usually ignore in educational environment. As “Safety” is the substance of educational safety, this subject is stubbed in”Security Reaserch” discussions. In over side, ...
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Although Sefety is known one of the first and axiom requirement of human and societies,but this important subject usually ignore in educational environment. As “Safety” is the substance of educational safety, this subject is stubbed in”Security Reaserch” discussions. In over side, this subject is one of the categories of educational science specially educational technology.because this subject notices requirement to “safety” in educational environments. Antecedent on two attentioned aspects, safety educational is a requirement and can be noticed from this acpect. So in this paper, first purpose is Investigation and explanation of concept of educational safety.In this way, analytical- aseptic method is used to Investigate this consept from above three aspect. In each aspects, by using analysis of educational safety consept and explanation of its process, a model of educational safety is presented. finally by comparative analysis of each model, blend and mixture them, the “Comprehensive Model” that guides educational environment to preferment of educational safety, has been explained.
Research Paper
Vali Mehdinezhad; Sima Sedghi
This study was designed to investigate the relationship between occupational stress, coping strategies and job burnout in primary schools’ principals. The research was descriptive and correlational. The target population consisted of all elementary schools’ principals in Zahedan. Of these ...
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This study was designed to investigate the relationship between occupational stress, coping strategies and job burnout in primary schools’ principals. The research was descriptive and correlational. The target population consisted of all elementary schools’ principals in Zahedan. Of these 73 female and 69 male was selected using stratified random sampling techniques. Data were collected using questionnaires, Maslach’s job burnout (1981), Gmelch and Swent’s occupational stress (1984), and Allison’s coping strategies questionnaire (1997). Data analysis was performed using correlation, stepwise regression, t-test and analysis of variance. The results showed that there was significant and an inverse relationship between coping strategies and burnout. The use of coping strategies significantly reduces principals’ job burnou. Findings also showed that only the duty of the directors of stress can predict burnout of principals. In fact, duty component with standardized beta coefficient 0/368, explained 14% of variance in principals’ burnout. The results also indicated that some component of coping strategies can predict burnout of principals. Participation component, the health, time management and realistic perspective could explain principals’ burnout to 35%.
Research Paper
Hossein Abbasian; Sara Heidarzadeh
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of enabling school structure and academic optimism of teacher on the student’s academic achievement. To carry out this study , the descriptive ( correlation) method is used.Teacher academic optimism and enabling school structure questionnaires ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of enabling school structure and academic optimism of teacher on the student’s academic achievement. To carry out this study , the descriptive ( correlation) method is used.Teacher academic optimism and enabling school structure questionnaires by 150 teacher in district 5 tehran guidance school that were randomly chosen , were completed. The last semester’s student final grade point was selected as the base of measurement of their educational development. To examine the hypothesis and answer the study’s question, the correlation coefficient and multiple regression was used and the results confirm the hypothesis. Results showed that the academic optimism of teacher and school empowerment have a positive and significant correlation with academic achievement. Among the three dimensions of academic optimism (efficacy, academic emphasis, trust) teacher efficacy had the highest correlation with academic achievement. Academic optimism of teacher and empowerment structure are two variables which together explained 23% of the variance in academic achievement.
Research Paper
Mohammad Sharafi; Mina Moghadam
Aims: This study was an attempt to examine the employment status of the graduates . The authors tried to determine to what extent the graduates were employed in organizations and companies that were related to their field of study and to what extent the university prepared the graduates for the work ...
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Aims: This study was an attempt to examine the employment status of the graduates . The authors tried to determine to what extent the graduates were employed in organizations and companies that were related to their field of study and to what extent the university prepared the graduates for the work market. In addition, The participants of the study consisted of three groups of graduates between the years 2004 and 2008. Methods: The research method used in this research is descriptive and survey-based approach. The method used for sampling was accessible method. Data was collected through a questionnaire and analysed by the descriptive methods.Results:The main results were: 1) the employment rate of graduates while studying in the master level was 22.5 percent, and after graduation this rates reached 80 percent, and 2) most of the graduates worked in the public sector especially in higher education and educational training system. Additionally, the rate of employment in the industrial sector has increased in recent years. Conclusion: The results reveal that the duration between graduation and employment ranged from 3 months to 1 year. Eventually, the suggestion of graduates for the optimal preparing of students for the work market is offered.
Research Paper
Ehsan Parvin; Sharare Mohammadi; Nasser Shirbagi; Tahereh Lotfi nezhad
Spirituality in the workplace, new concepts in recent years in the business and management literature has emerged. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spirituality and organizational commitment is the University of Kermanshah. The purpose of this study in terms of the ...
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Spirituality in the workplace, new concepts in recent years in the business and management literature has emerged. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spirituality and organizational commitment is the University of Kermanshah. The purpose of this study in terms of the application, in terms of performance and in terms of descriptive statistics is descriptive The study sample included all staff Razi University (500), who worked in the first half of 2014. Morgan and the sample using the sampling method, 200 questionnaires were selected with the help of organizational spirituality (Shamus and Dvchun, Mylemn 2000, 2003) and organizational commitment (Khan, 2002) were evaluated. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics (t two independent groups, Pearson correlation & stepwise regression) was used. Results showed a significant positive correlation between the dimensions of organizational spirituality and organizational commitment & Average score for the overall organizational spirituality, in line with organizational goals and continuous commitment of men more than women. Organization spirituality scores overall, alignment with organizational goals and continuous commitment of men than women. Check other assumptions indicate that the dimensions of organizational spirituality and organizational commitment there. Based on regression analysis of solidarity with colleagues and spiritual dimensions of organizational alignment with the organization's goals were positive predictors of emotional commitment and solidarity with colleagues, it is anticipated that ongoing commitment. Overall scores are positive predictors of organizational spirituality was for normative commitment.