Research Paper
Abbas Abbaspour; Mohsen Shakeri; Hamid Rahimian; Maghsood Farasatkhah
The Purpose of this study was to discover the accountability strategies of public universities.Qualitative data achieved by semi-structured interviews with 20 higher education experts and faculty members. In the procedural analysis of the findings, using ...
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The Purpose of this study was to discover the accountability strategies of public universities.Qualitative data achieved by semi-structured interviews with 20 higher education experts and faculty members. In the procedural analysis of the findings, using analytical techniques of Strauss and Corbin. Participants of the present research were selected based on repetition logic and were selected in line with the theory which is known as theoretical sampling and it lasted till the collected data reached the point of saturation. Data which were carried out by using Strauss & Corbin analytical techniques reveals 6 categories that explain strategies of public universities accountability. This strategies / categories include: 1.University autonomy (non-interference of government, giving authority to universities, university autonomy, scientific freedom), 2.Participation (students and professors in universities, university members in society, outside stakeholders in university-related issues), 3.Scientific-applied interactions (with other educational institutes or other sections), 4.Internationalization of universities, 5.Applicability, 6.Supply and allocation of financial resources.
Research Paper
Seyed Mohammad Mirkamali; Fatemeh Narenji Thani; Farnoush A'lami; Alireza Youzbashi
The object of this study is examining the relationship between academic optimism culture and enabling school structure of Tehran elementary schools’ teachers. The sample of this research is 250 teachers of elementary schools that selected multi-level randomly and use academic optimism and enabling ...
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The object of this study is examining the relationship between academic optimism culture and enabling school structure of Tehran elementary schools’ teachers. The sample of this research is 250 teachers of elementary schools that selected multi-level randomly and use academic optimism and enabling bureaucracy of Hoy and colleagues as a data analysis. The Result indicated that teachers academic optimism culture have statistically significant and lower than average but trust in parent and students have not statistically significant and lower than average. academic optimism culture of women teachers is higher than men. Teachers with higher education have higher academic optimism than lower education. Also teachers academic optimism have direct relationship with enabling in students and parents have highest relationship with enabling structure. At the end creating COP (community of practice) for reinforce the collective efficacy of teachers, development of teachers and involvement of parents in schools activity for creating trust between parents, students and teachers are recommended.
Research Paper
Ardalan Mohammad Reza; Roghayyeh Beheshti Rad; Vahid Soltanzadeh
The purpose of this study is investigating the Secure-Base leadership in reducing retaliatory behaviors with mediator role of working conscience. The current research method is descriptive and the research project used was based on Structural equations model. The statistical population is all employees ...
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The purpose of this study is investigating the Secure-Base leadership in reducing retaliatory behaviors with mediator role of working conscience. The current research method is descriptive and the research project used was based on Structural equations model. The statistical population is all employees Razi University 229 which they were selected by stratified random sampling method. Data were gathered through three questionnaires, the safety leader, working conscience and retaliatory behaviors. The data after collecting were analyzed by SPSS and LISREL. Results of structural equation modeling showed that: Direct effect the Secure-Base leadership in reducing retaliatory behaviors (0/63) is positive and significant. Direct effect the Secure-Base leadership on working conscience (0/74) is positive and significant. Also, direct effect the working conscience in reducing retaliatory behaviors (0/16) is positive and significant. But indirect effect the Secure-Base leadership in reducing retaliatory behaviors with mediator role of working conscience (0/10) is not positive and significant.
Research Paper
Saed Talebi; Hassan Mahmodian; Mohamad Hassan Seif; Ahmad Rastegar
AbstractThe purpose Pzhvhshkarbrd European customer satisfaction index and the factors affecting the quality of teaching and learning. Results: The direct effects of the students (18/0) and subjective image (16/0) with meaningful loyalty between student expectations (47/0), perceived quality hardware ...
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AbstractThe purpose Pzhvhshkarbrd European customer satisfaction index and the factors affecting the quality of teaching and learning. Results: The direct effects of the students (18/0) and subjective image (16/0) with meaningful loyalty between student expectations (47/0), perceived quality hardware (19/0) and perceived quality of software (15/0) with the students, there is a direct and significant impact. The direct effect between perceived value (10/0) with the students of the university to study there. Finally image (45/0), visible quality hardware (15/0), software quality evident (12/0) and expectations of students (46/0) with a direct and significant impact on the students. Conclusion: Among the variables studied, only the value of tangible and meaningful to the students, there is no direct effect of the other variables are significant, positive effect.Key words: image quality hardware visible, tangible quality of software, student expectations, perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty student.kldfdlas kidlaksdkasd kodkasldkaos kdlkasldksa kdlkasldksa kdlkfkigkfdllf kl;kfdsk
Research Paper
Leila Almasi; Zahra Lebadi; Vahideh Alipour
This research focuses on studying the glass ceiling for women in leadership positions in succession planning and promotion of administrators and education experts in Alborz Province.The method of this research is Descriptive - survey. The population of the study is included all male and female managers, ...
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This research focuses on studying the glass ceiling for women in leadership positions in succession planning and promotion of administrators and education experts in Alborz Province.The method of this research is Descriptive - survey. The population of the study is included all male and female managers, top executives and managers and all staff employed in the Office of the Alborz Province and all eight eight regions of the Alborz Province. The population in 1806 is based on single-sample of 317 participants who were selected through Cochran formula for contingency. The instrument was a questionnaire that was developed based on the literature study and has used face validity for validity of instrument and also has asked the opinion of experts for content validity.Cronbach's alpha was used for reliability studies of the value of 95% was achieved, the collected data were analyzed by Univariate regression test and Friedman rank test.The data showed the organizational, cultural, and political factors in order of importance and greater impact on creating a glass ceiling and the family has the lowest impact factor.
Research Paper
Reza Barari; Laleh Jamshidi
The present study aims to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational innovation among the personnel of Babol University of Medical Sciences. This is a descriptive correlational study clearly based on structural equation modeling (SEM). The population of this research was 400 personnel ...
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The present study aims to investigate the effect of knowledge management on organizational innovation among the personnel of Babol University of Medical Sciences. This is a descriptive correlational study clearly based on structural equation modeling (SEM). The population of this research was 400 personnel of Babol University of Medical Sciences. To measure research variables, Nonaka knowledge management questionnaire with 4 dimensions: externalization, combination, internalization and socialization and Organizational innovation Questionnaire with 3 dimensions: productive, process and administrative were used and distributed among 189 personnel.The reliability of knowledge management and organizational innovation questionnaires was assessed through Cranach’s coefficient alpha as 0.945 and 0.944, respectively. Findings of this study showed that all dimensions of knowledge management and organizational innovationare mutually correlated with each other (p<0.01). The structural equation model shows that the model has good fitness with data organizational innovation is well predicted by knowledge management and knowledge management has direct, positive and significant effect on organizational innovation.
Research Paper
Sajjad Jahani; Mohammad Hassani; Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh
The presented research is provided to investigate relationship Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation: Mediators in the relationship between accountability & job performance and satisfaction using descriptive-correlation method. The population was 640 Faculty members of University of Tabriz. ...
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The presented research is provided to investigate relationship Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation: Mediators in the relationship between accountability & job performance and satisfaction using descriptive-correlation method. The population was 640 Faculty members of University of Tabriz. Also, the sample size was 180 which selected stratified random sampling, using Kokran formula. The collected data in this research has used five questionnaire as follow Hochwarter et al (2005) Measure of accountability, Paterson’s (1990) job performance Scale, Brayfield & Roths’s (1951) job satisfaction Scale, Podsakoff’s (1990) Orgaizational citizenship behavior scale and Hochwarter, Ferris and Zinko’s reputation scale (2007) respectively. The reliability thorough Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.70, 0.88, 0.65, 0.81 and 0.87, respectively. For statistical analysis, Pierson correlation and structural equation modeling have been used. The results of study indicate accountability has significant positive relationship and direct impact on Orgaizational citizenship behavior. Also, Orgaizational citizenship behavior has significant positive relationship and direct impact on reputation. Furthermore; the results of study indicate that path analysis of reputation on job performance is significant. Hence, Mediator role of Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation in relationship between accountability and job performance is certified. Moreover, the results of study indicate that path analysis of reputation on job satisfaction is not significant. Hence, Mediator role of Orgaizational citizenship behavior and reputation in relationship between accountability and job satisfaction is not certified