Majid Ansarifar; Abbas Abbaspour; Hamid Rahimian; Farnoosh Alami
The purpose of this research was to design a conceptual model of mindfulness for educational principals of schools. This qualitative study utilized the grounded theory method. The participants consisted of 18 experienced, expert and knowledgeable educational principals who were selected using the theoretical ...
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The purpose of this research was to design a conceptual model of mindfulness for educational principals of schools. This qualitative study utilized the grounded theory method. The participants consisted of 18 experienced, expert and knowledgeable educational principals who were selected using the theoretical purposeful sampling method. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed based on the systematic approach of Strauss and Corbin (open, axial, and selective coding). Accreditation of the study was ensured through triangulation strategies in data sources and researchers, re-examination of the analyses by some participants, and review of the results by peers. The dimensions of the paradigmatic model included: causal conditions (pain and suffering, demands, study, meditation, interaction); core phenomenon (developing mindful educational principals); contextual conditions (educational system, family institution, attendance at spiritual gatherings, attendance in nature); intervening conditions (educational and training system, welfare and economic status, social and cultural status); actions/interactions (metacognitive awareness, metacognitive skills); and consequences (spiritual growth and personal transformation, improving the quality of personal and professional life). Based on these dimensions, a mindfulness model was designed for educational principals in schools. The results of this research can assist researchers and practitioners in understanding the dimensions and various aspects of mindfulness, especially for educational principals of schools, and provide a condition for their cultivation, improvement, and equipping with new competencies.
Mahza Pakzad; abbas abbaspour; Hamid Rahimian; Ali Khorsandi Taskoh
The internationalization of universities, student migration, and the diversity of international students from various cultures have led to elevated communication, interactions, and human commitments. This phenomenon has sparked the interest of scholars in the concept of acculturation and its social, ...
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The internationalization of universities, student migration, and the diversity of international students from various cultures have led to elevated communication, interactions, and human commitments. This phenomenon has sparked the interest of scholars in the concept of acculturation and its social, cultural, political, and psychological impacts. The process of acculturation among international students is recognized as stress-inducing due to various factors. The interaction between these students and the host community plays a crucial role in their cross-cultural adaptation. However, limited research has explored and evaluated such interactions in the context of international students' acculturation. Therefore, the main objective of this study has been to enumerate and evaluate the influential factors affecting international students’ acculturation in the Medical Science universities of Tehran, towards facilitating living conditions and enhancing the academic performance of these students in Iran. Consequently, this research, grounded in acculturation, aims to investigate the alignment between students and the university in various dimensions as predictors of the psychological adjustment of international students in Medical Sciences universities in Tehran. The research population consisted of 56 international students enrolled in Medical Sciences universities in Tehran, who were selected using snowball sampling. To analyze the obtained data, statistical analysis was employed in conjunction with descriptive indices. The results indicated that cultural norms significantly influence the level of acculturation in these students. Additionally, the analysis revealed a significant gender difference in lifestyle factors among female and male students, which, in turn, plays a fundamental role in acculturation.
Alireza Hosseyni; abbas abbaspour; saeed Ghiasi Nodoushan
This research has been conducted with the aim of analyzing academic mentoring in order to employ management students. Due to explain academic mentoring and obtain appropriate data, the qualitative research method and the data type of the foundation were used. The statistical population of the study covered ...
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This research has been conducted with the aim of analyzing academic mentoring in order to employ management students. Due to explain academic mentoring and obtain appropriate data, the qualitative research method and the data type of the foundation were used. The statistical population of the study covered all professors and experts who were aware of academic mentoring. Then, semi-structured interviews were conducted with by snowball sampling method until theoretical saturation was reached. The three steps of open coding, axial coding and selective coding of Strauss and Corbin (1998) were used to analyze the data. Findings showed that 45 concepts and 18 categories were counted during the three stages of data analysis and were placed in a paradigm model. These categories are in the order mentioned: in the form of elements of causal conditions (3), main phenomenon (academic mentoring of employability of management students), contextual conditions (3), intervening conditions (2), strategies (4), consequences (4) they got findings showing that academic mentoring can develop students' competencies and skills.
nassim namkhah sarkande; abbas abbaspour; hosein abdollahi
This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of implementing an individual development program based on workplace learning in the National Petrochemical Company. The instrument of this research was designed by semi-structured interview method, five questions based on theoretical foundations and ...
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This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of implementing an individual development program based on workplace learning in the National Petrochemical Company. The instrument of this research was designed by semi-structured interview method, five questions based on theoretical foundations and existing experiences in this field. To confirm the validity of the interview questions, the review method was used and for reliability, the reliability of the retest method was used. The statistical population of this study is the employees and senior managers of the National Petrochemical Company. 15 people were selected by snowball sampling method until reaching the theoretical saturation stage. Qualitative analysis method and code extraction from interviews were performed using MAXQDA software. The results showed that the factors of creating a healthy and happy educational environment, creating platforms for organizational intelligence, creating a platform for IT development, creating transparency in missions and goals and perspectives of the organization as underlying factors, personal development and learning the workplace as the final outcome, education Online and coherent training and the creation of a learning council as strategies, commitment of CEOs and senior managers to develop personal development program for employees and financial resources as intervening factors, personalization of training and emphasis on on-the-job learning were identified as key categories of this paradigm.
Hamid Rahimian; Abbas Abbaspour; faezeh sarrafan
The current research investigated the relationship between servant leadership style and organizational effectiveness in girl’s High Schools of Tehran in the 1392-93 academic year. The research sample consists of 360 high school teachers randomly selected from all government high school teachers ...
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The current research investigated the relationship between servant leadership style and organizational effectiveness in girl’s High Schools of Tehran in the 1392-93 academic year. The research sample consists of 360 high school teachers randomly selected from all government high school teachers in Tehran. To collect primary data, two questionnaires were used in this study. Firstly to collect data on servant leadership, the questionnaire developed by Golipour (Golipour et al., 1388) was used. The Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.95 shows the internal consistency of the scale. Secondly to evaluate the organizational effectiveness parsons’s questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.95 was used. In this study, the Spearman correlation analysis, one-sample T test, one way ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis H, multiple regressions were used to analyze the data. The Research results indicate that there is an overall positive association between servant leadership and organizational effectiveness. There are also significant positive relationships between servant leadership variables and organizational effectiveness. Among the four components of servant leadership and organizational effectiveness and its components, there was a significant positive correlation. Multiple regression analysis showed that among the aspects of servant leadership, by three factors: service, reliability and humility be the most predictable organizational effectiveness. Key Words: organizational effectiveness, servant leadership, girl’s High Schools
hamid rahimian; mojtaba kazemi; abbas abbaspour
The main purpose of this study was designin the training model criterion learning organization .and also to assessing the relationship between individual and organizational factors with training effectiveness of the employees.This research is a descriptive- survey study by qualitive and quantitive method ...
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The main purpose of this study was designin the training model criterion learning organization .and also to assessing the relationship between individual and organizational factors with training effectiveness of the employees.This research is a descriptive- survey study by qualitive and quantitive method that was done in Three large factories in 2013-2015. In this study, analesis 326 expert interview and cluster sampling was used with proportional allocation and finally were selected 1719 exert and technician employees with random sampling method and answered 326 expert to standardized questionnaires with Likert scale; Self-efficacy attitude, trust , perception , content training, organizational culture, organization’s Support , policy support , Identity and environmental adaptation factors. The Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine reliability that was obtained as follows: 0.93, Finally, Data was analyzed by use structural equiblibrem tests through SPSS 17 and Lisrel 8.72 soft wares . Managers by having the belief in the value of developing, supporting evidence and clear and strengthening training and awarness sharing can lead to increase employees’ intention for organization leraning.
Ebrahim Alizadeh; Mohammadreza Falsafinezhad; Ali Delavar; Noor Ali Farrokhi; Abbas Abbaspour
Studies on the topic of managing employee performance evaluation, assessing competencies of job analysis and job evaluation as a source of data collection used. The results of this research can be used when the reliability of the data is acceptable. Researchers to estimate the reliability of these data ...
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Studies on the topic of managing employee performance evaluation, assessing competencies of job analysis and job evaluation as a source of data collection used. The results of this research can be used when the reliability of the data is acceptable. Researchers to estimate the reliability of these data are the means of inter-rater reliability of Cronbach's alpha is used. The formula for errors in the data are considered as random error, while systematic errors exist in many of the conditions that must be considered when estimating their reliability. For this reason, these formulas can not properly estimate the reliability assessment. This article attempts to application generalizability theory to predict the reliability of the assessment will be presented. The weaknesses of classical test theory and the ability to estimate the reliability generalizability theory described. Then explained the steps to applying generalizibility theory with crossed and nested measurement models with an example that researchers using them can make job analysis, reliability of data more accurately to estimate.