samira taremy; mohammad mojtabazadeh; massoud moradi
This research was done for the purpose of designing and validation of organizational culture transformation model based on the productivity. For designing used the method of Grounded Theory, and for validation used the method of first and second order factor analysis. Statistical population in quantitative ...
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This research was done for the purpose of designing and validation of organizational culture transformation model based on the productivity. For designing used the method of Grounded Theory, and for validation used the method of first and second order factor analysis. Statistical population in quantitative was the experts in higher education management, higher education development planning, sociology, educational management and media management. Statistical population in quantitative section was also the teachers, experts, students of Farhangian University, staff managers and employees of the Ministry of Education. The method of sampling in a qualitative section of the research was non-probability purposive sampling, and in quantitative section was done by multistage cluster random sampling. The number of samples in quantitative and qualitative sections equaled with 20 and 380 persons in order. The tools of gathering data in qualitative part are semi-structured interview and in quantitative section, 53 question’s questionnaire in Likret scale. According to findings of qualitative sections, model of organizational culture transformation model based on the productivity designed by with 11 factors: The mission of the organization, technology and innovation, the process of recruitment and employment, education and skills, belief, value and moral foundations, organization structure, incentive system, intra-organizational communication, performance feedback, constructive interaction with the environment and organizational support. The findings of quantitative part showed that, model of organizational culture transformation model based on the productivity is highly creditable by experts. So according to the experts, organizational culture transformation model based on the productivity can be utilized with these 11 factors.
Abbas Abbaspour; mohammad mojtabazadeh
The present study was conducted to design and validate a model for accreditation and quality assurance of Iranian higher education.This study was performed using a mixed method of explorative plan-tool development model. First, in qualitative part of this study, questionnaire consisted of 25 factors ...
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The present study was conducted to design and validate a model for accreditation and quality assurance of Iranian higher education.This study was performed using a mixed method of explorative plan-tool development model. First, in qualitative part of this study, questionnaire consisted of 25 factors and 157 Criteria were designed by using the method of Grounded Theory and interview with 36 experts. For the validity of qualitative findings, were used from the criteria of credibility, confirmability, dependability and transferability. Then, in the quantitative section, designed questionnaires were conducted on 84 members of Iranian experts with high education. Based on the received feedback, the questionnaires were revised, then the final and modified version was put in the hands of 293 experts in different cities of Iran. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha which was equal to (0.982). Non-probability purposive sampling method was used in the qualitative part of the study whereas random classified sampling method was applied in the quantitative part. In addition, analysis of structural equation modeling was used for testing mentioned scale. By doing first-order confirmatory factor analysis, mentioned model were modified to 22 factors and 150 Criteria. Results of second-order confirmatory factor analysis, also showed that 22 extracted components are sufficient factor leading to prediction model related to accreditation and quality assurance of high education systems in Iran. In addition, goodness of fit indices such as, (CMIN/DF) which is equal to 1.924, (RMSEA) = 0.39, (GFI) equal= 0.976, (AGFI) = 0.939, (CFI) = 0.928, (NNFI) = 0.935, (TLI) = 1.000, (IFI) = 0.928 and (RFI) = 0925 Conclusion: The results of statistical tests displayed that the designed model enjoys very favorable fitness for the accreditation and quality assurance of high education system in universities of Iran.
Robab Najafloo; Naghi Kamali; mohammad mojtabazadeh
This research aims to examine the relationship between mental health and organizational effective communications with productivity from the perspective of elementary school managers. The research is descriptive in terms of data collection method and is correlation in terms of the relationship between ...
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This research aims to examine the relationship between mental health and organizational effective communications with productivity from the perspective of elementary school managers. The research is descriptive in terms of data collection method and is correlation in terms of the relationship between the variables of research. The statistical population of this study is the Managers of the district 1 & 2 of Zanjan. Sampling method had been random cluster sampling. Accordingly, a sample volume was selected 201 people. 102 people of the sample have been female Managers and 22 male Managers. Data collection tool had been Goldberg and Hillier's Mental Health Questionnaire (1979), Sussman & Kronus's Effective Communication Questionnaire (1979), and Hersey and Goldsmith's Human Resources Productivity Questionnaire (1980). Collected data was analyzed by statistical test of Pearson moment correlation coefficient and regression method and using SPSS software version 24. The results of the analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between mental health, effective communications and productivity. Mental health, effective communications also have the ability to predict the productivity from the perspective of elementary school managers.
mohammad mojtabazadeh
This study aimed to identify factors affecting the model of accreditation and quality assurance of higher education in Iran. the study was conducted using qualitative research through grounded theory. the study population had higher education experts, which 36 persons by purposive sampling for semi-structured ...
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This study aimed to identify factors affecting the model of accreditation and quality assurance of higher education in Iran. the study was conducted using qualitative research through grounded theory. the study population had higher education experts, which 36 persons by purposive sampling for semi-structured interview were selected. in addition to interview, 3 other sources were used to collect data, which are, observing, taking notes and documents. for this purpose, data obtained from interviews, observations, notes and documents were converted into text data. after that, we act the first to open coding, then, to have axial and selective action. in axial coding stage, 25 core categories were determined. in selective coding stage, all major categories and core categories in terms of condition, interactive / process and outcome characteristics was classified. in the end, category of quality discourse, fear and hope, as the most original and the most ultimate core category select and according to its features were developed. then, related made other categories in the form of a paradigm model with the this category.
mohammad mojtabazadeh
In this paper based on the grounded theory, from the perspective of higher education actors we paid to recognized of conditional factors, criteria and indicators (causal, contextual and intermediary ) accreditation. this study, by adopting social interpretivism, emphasize that people outside the university, ...
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In this paper based on the grounded theory, from the perspective of higher education actors we paid to recognized of conditional factors, criteria and indicators (causal, contextual and intermediary ) accreditation. this study, by adopting social interpretivism, emphasize that people outside the university, Can not be known beforehand components of accreditation and understand it. Because, the actors in higher education are that your scientific community environment create and interpret it as they want. accordingly, Any assumption about the accreditation system, can not express the mind and understanding academic community actors. in other words, in this research we have been looking for that actors higher education how to see conditional factors, criteria and indicators (causal, contextual and intermediary ) accreditation And what had interpretation and understanding of it. the data of this study were obtained from four sources, which include, interviews, observations, notes and documents. therefore, data obtained from interviews, observations, notes and documents were converted into text data. after that, in order to categorize the great mass of the collected data, paid to categorization of data. we act first, open coding, then, axial and selective coding. On this basis, in 691 the indicator, 98 criteria and 11 factor were determined in accordance with native features of Iran's higher education system.
Abbas Abbaspour; Mohammad Mojtabazadeh; Hasan Maleki; Magsood Farasatkhah
In this paper, using the approach of emic or orientation from the inside, have paid to analyze the understanding of scientific community actors from accreditation model of system higher education of country. research based on grounded theory, constitute the methodology of this study. according to the ...
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In this paper, using the approach of emic or orientation from the inside, have paid to analyze the understanding of scientific community actors from accreditation model of system higher education of country. research based on grounded theory, constitute the methodology of this study. according to the method, we have always sought to take on meaning, vision and mental mechanisms of higher education actors. the data of this study were obtained from four sources, which include, interviews, observations, notes and documents. to do so, first open coding, then, are we axial and selective action. having analyzed the data obtained in the first phase coding, in 2027 the concept was achieved. second stage of open data coding, In format of 1262 concept and 156 major categories were classified. in axial coding stage, 25 core categories were determined. in selective coding stage, again 25 core category to a higher level of abstraction we have upgrade and classified in terms of characteristics of conditions, interactive / process and outcome. in the end, category of quality discourse, fear and hope, as the most original and the most ultimate core category Select and according to its features were developed. then, related made other categories in the form of a paradigm model with the this category.