Research Paper
Relationship between Human Capital and Organizational Performance: The Case of Asia Insurance Company

Abolghasem Naderi; Tayebeh Heidari Kebriti; Abdolreza Amiri

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, Pages 1-30

  This Study investigates the relationship between human capital and organizational performance in the Asia insurance company branches of Iran. The research method is descriptive-correlational one and data collected using two questionnaires (i.e., Naderi’s human capital questionnaire and a researcher-developed ...  Read More

Research Paper
The relationship between core self-assessment and organizational citizenship behavior motivations with organizational citizenship behavior of schools

Karim Savari

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, Pages 31-50

  This study aimed to determine the relationship between core self-assessment and organizational citizenship behavior motivations with organizational citizenship behavior of schools administrators was conducted in three grades of Behbehan city. Therefore, from all schools administrator of three grades ...  Read More

Research Paper
Define and design a mathematical model moderating role of psychological empowerment on the role of education in improving the quality of professors

Saeed Moradi; Batoul Faghih Aram; Nader Barzgar; Pari Sousahabi

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, Pages 51-74

  The aim of this study was to define and design a mathematical model moderating role of psychological empowerment on the role of education in improving the quality of professors was. The aim of this research is applied and the method of data collection is descriptive and correlation. The population of ...  Read More

Research Paper
The Relationship between Psychological capital on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Due to the Moderating Role of Conscientiousness in a Training Public Sector Organization

Mohsen Golparvar; Ali Fathi

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, Pages 75-98

  This study aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological capital components (self-efficacy, hope, resiliency and optimism) and organizational citizenship behaviors due to the moderating role of conscientiousness. Research statistical population was the employees of a public sector organization ...  Read More

Research Paper
Study of strategies of organizational changes on teacher’s job performance

Jamal Salimi; Arash Abdi

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, Pages 99-122

  Perhaps the concept that until now has been considered since the beginning of organizations and behalf, the concept of organizational performance. The performance of organizations, meaning that alone justifies the existence of survival and even the dissolution of Sazman‌Hast and organizations primarily ...  Read More

Research Paper
Exploration on the development strategy model in Higher Education Based on SOAR model

Vahid Khashe’ei; Amir Aslani Afrashteh

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, Pages 123-148

  Consistent with industrial organizations, universities and research centers play an important role in the development of communities. Universities should lean to have a constructive competition with each other in terms of strategic planning of research, especially in research on their own. The purpose ...  Read More

Research Paper
The relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards instructional leadership behaviors of their principals and teachers’ attitudes towards change and Their Effectiveness

Raziye Rajabzade; Mehdi Iesani; Hossein Motahharinejad

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, Pages 149-176

  The goal of this research was Investigation of relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards instructional leadership behaviors of principal and their attitudes towards organizational change and their effectiveness in the secondary high schools of Fasa. The method of this research is descriptive ...  Read More