Exploring the necessary platforms for the transition from educational management to educational leadership

Farugh Ahmadi; Hossein Abdollahi; Ali Khorsandi Taskoh; morteza taheri

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 26 November 2024


  In the past few decades, educational leadership and attention to the quality of school principals' performance have been at the top of educational policies in developed countries. The purpose of this research is to analyze the necessary platforms for the transition from educational management to educational ...  Read More

Development and validation a general competencies model for public universities’ administrators

Aso Mojtahedi; GA YU; Enayatollah Zamanpour; morteza taheri; Mohammad Ali Babaei Zakliki

Volume 8, Issue 30 , July 2024, , Pages 50-72


  Most of the administrators of the universities are faculty members and they have not received the necessary training and have not been evaluated in an organized manner. Considering the importance of paying attention to competency in the selection of efficient and effective administrators and considering ...  Read More