Robab Najafloo; Naghi Kamali; mohammad mojtabazadeh
This research aims to examine the relationship between mental health and organizational effective communications with productivity from the perspective of elementary school managers. The research is descriptive in terms of data collection method and is correlation in terms of the relationship between ...
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This research aims to examine the relationship between mental health and organizational effective communications with productivity from the perspective of elementary school managers. The research is descriptive in terms of data collection method and is correlation in terms of the relationship between the variables of research. The statistical population of this study is the Managers of the district 1 & 2 of Zanjan. Sampling method had been random cluster sampling. Accordingly, a sample volume was selected 201 people. 102 people of the sample have been female Managers and 22 male Managers. Data collection tool had been Goldberg and Hillier's Mental Health Questionnaire (1979), Sussman & Kronus's Effective Communication Questionnaire (1979), and Hersey and Goldsmith's Human Resources Productivity Questionnaire (1980). Collected data was analyzed by statistical test of Pearson moment correlation coefficient and regression method and using SPSS software version 24. The results of the analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between mental health, effective communications and productivity. Mental health, effective communications also have the ability to predict the productivity from the perspective of elementary school managers.