Methods: The research method is descriptive - correlation. The study population comprised 630 employees, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. For this purpose, using a random sample of 187 personal was selected. And responded to self-report questionnaire of Organizational loyalty (the attitude Allen ...
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Methods: The research method is descriptive - correlation. The study population comprised 630 employees, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. For this purpose, using a random sample of 187 personal was selected. And responded to self-report questionnaire of Organizational loyalty (the attitude Allen & mayer (1990), the behavioral Zaytaml (1996), Organizational trust and transparency Ravlinz (2008). Results: results showed that the relationship between organizational transparency and organizational loyalty, is affected by organizational trust .The Dimensions (accountability, information sharing and participative) organizational transparency on attitudinal, and behavioral dimensions of organizational loyalty is positive Indirect effect and (secretive) organizational transparency on behavioral and Attitudes aspects of organizational loyalty is negative indirect effect. This means that the dimensions of organizational transparency (accountability, information sharing and participative, secretive) on attitudinal and behavioral dimensions of organizational loyalty have not a direct effect. While indirect effect on the four dimensions of organizational transparency on attitudinal and behavioral dimensions of organizational loyalty is significant. This indicates that the mediating role of organizational trust through transparency and organizational loyalty. Also, the amount of variance explained the fitted model study for dimension Attitudes equal is 0/23 and for dimension behavioral loyalty equal is 0/21.
Saed Talebi; Hassan Mahmodian; Mohamad Hassan Seif; Ahmad Rastegar
AbstractThe purpose Pzhvhshkarbrd European customer satisfaction index and the factors affecting the quality of teaching and learning. Results: The direct effects of the students (18/0) and subjective image (16/0) with meaningful loyalty between student expectations (47/0), perceived quality hardware ...
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AbstractThe purpose Pzhvhshkarbrd European customer satisfaction index and the factors affecting the quality of teaching and learning. Results: The direct effects of the students (18/0) and subjective image (16/0) with meaningful loyalty between student expectations (47/0), perceived quality hardware (19/0) and perceived quality of software (15/0) with the students, there is a direct and significant impact. The direct effect between perceived value (10/0) with the students of the university to study there. Finally image (45/0), visible quality hardware (15/0), software quality evident (12/0) and expectations of students (46/0) with a direct and significant impact on the students. Conclusion: Among the variables studied, only the value of tangible and meaningful to the students, there is no direct effect of the other variables are significant, positive effect.Key words: image quality hardware visible, tangible quality of software, student expectations, perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty student.kldfdlas kidlaksdkasd kodkasldkaos kdlkasldksa kdlkasldksa kdlkfkigkfdllf kl;kfdsk