The Healthy School Pattern Development : A Qualitative Study

Ali Javidan; Ramat Allah Marzooghi; jafar jahani; jafar Torkzadeh

Volume 5, Issue 18 , January 2019, , Pages 109-132

  Abstract Introduction: Turning a school into a healthy place is one of the challenges for anyone involved in any educational system. The aim of this study was to develop a healthy school model and provide a comprehensive model using experimental and conceptual savings. Methods: In order to determine ...  Read More

A Study of The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment of Human Resources and Organizational Agility

Shamsollah Azizi Asl; Rahmatollah Mazroughi; Ja’far Jahani

Volume 1, Issue 4 , October 2015, , Pages 107-127

  The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between Psychological empowerment of human resources and organizational agility from the viewpoint of Shiraz university staff. Statistical population of this study was all Shiraz university staff that by multistage cluster sampling, 303 staff ...  Read More