Vali Mehdinezhad; Sima Sedghi
This study was designed to investigate the relationship between occupational stress, coping strategies and job burnout in primary schools’ principals. The research was descriptive and correlational. The target population consisted of all elementary schools’ principals in Zahedan. Of these ...
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This study was designed to investigate the relationship between occupational stress, coping strategies and job burnout in primary schools’ principals. The research was descriptive and correlational. The target population consisted of all elementary schools’ principals in Zahedan. Of these 73 female and 69 male was selected using stratified random sampling techniques. Data were collected using questionnaires, Maslach’s job burnout (1981), Gmelch and Swent’s occupational stress (1984), and Allison’s coping strategies questionnaire (1997). Data analysis was performed using correlation, stepwise regression, t-test and analysis of variance. The results showed that there was significant and an inverse relationship between coping strategies and burnout. The use of coping strategies significantly reduces principals’ job burnou. Findings also showed that only the duty of the directors of stress can predict burnout of principals. In fact, duty component with standardized beta coefficient 0/368, explained 14% of variance in principals’ burnout. The results also indicated that some component of coping strategies can predict burnout of principals. Participation component, the health, time management and realistic perspective could explain principals’ burnout to 35%.