parvaneh mohammadi; Ebrahim Aryani ghizghapan; Manizhe Hashemymehr
The purpose of this study was examining the causal model of students' educational vitality based on active participation by security at school mediation. Methodology of the research was quantitative, in terms descriptive-Correlation. The statistical population was students of high school of Sagez during ...
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The purpose of this study was examining the causal model of students' educational vitality based on active participation by security at school mediation. Methodology of the research was quantitative, in terms descriptive-Correlation. The statistical population was students of high school of Sagez during the academic year 2017-2018. The sampling method was simple random. The sample size according to the Kregci-Morgan model and with error α = 0/05, was considered 145 persons. To collect data, the Security at school Questionnaire (SRS) (with reliability α = 0/82), Active participation (SES) (with reliability α = 0/67), and the Educational vitality Questionnaire (EVQ) (with reliability α = 0/85) were used. Validity of the tools was confirmed by the professors of education and psychology. Data were analyzed using two software’s Spss vs. 22 and lisrel. 8/50 and analyzed by structural equation modeling. The results showed that the proposed model had suitable fit (x2/df=1/49, GFI=0/91, AGFI=0/91, CFI=0/92, NFI=0/93, RMSEA=0/043) and the component of Active participation has a direct and indirect effect through the component of Security at school on Educational vitality (P<0/05). Active participation and Security at school are important components in the development and improvement of students' Educational vitality. Therefore, attention to the factors of Active participation and Security at school to advance goals and efforts to push students toward effectiveness recommended.