seyedeh shima mirshojaeiyan hosseini; nazya sadat nasseri; elham fariborzi
Abstract The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between thinking styles as well as self development with managers' merit among primary schoolprincipals of Tabadkan district. The statistical population of the current research includes all primary schools principals of Tabadkan ...
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Abstract The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between thinking styles as well as self development with managers' merit among primary schoolprincipals of Tabadkan district. The statistical population of the current research includes all primary schools principals of Tabadkan district which consists of 320 principals. The sampling procedure was implemented for 170 randomly selected principals based on Morgan and krejcey's table. , In terms of purpose such study is applied,in terms of nature is descriptive and in terms of method is a correlational research. The questionnaires which were used include: Managers' merit by Moslehi(2011), Thinking styles by Strenberg and wagner(1992) and Self esteem by Padler et(2011). The data analysis was done for both descriptive and inferential sections. In descriptive analysis, mean, standard deviation and charts were applied but in inferential statistics, Pearson's regression and multiple variables regression was used. The results showed that there is a negative meaningful relation between principals' merit and different thinking styles such as: legal, executive, judicial, partial, conservative,hierarchical, royal, anarchist, insider thinking styles. On the other hand there is a positive meaningful relation between principals' merit and thinking styles such as: general, liberal, oligarchs and external thinking styles. In addition there is a positive meaningful relation. between self esteem and general merit among principals. Keywords: Thinking styles, self development, principals' merit