Farnaz Einkhah; Ibrahim Salehi Omran
The purpose of this research is to compare the organizational structure of Iranian and non-Iranian universities, the number of administrative employees, the number of faculties and defined groups. The steps of the research included data collection by document study and qualitative data analysis ...
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The purpose of this research is to compare the organizational structure of Iranian and non-Iranian universities, the number of administrative employees, the number of faculties and defined groups. The steps of the research included data collection by document study and qualitative data analysis by qualitative content analysis and mapping accumulation through document mining and statistical analysis of quantitative data in the quantitative section. The number of majors and departments, management positions and administrative staff and faculty members of 23 faculties from 3 selected non-Iranian universities and 95 Iranian faculties were investigated. Based on the results of the research, the number of managerial positions in Iranian universities is more and the number of administrative employees is less compared to non-Iranian universities. Ferdowsi has the best situation both in the number of administrative employees and in the number of management positions compared to other Iranian universities. University of Tehran has the lowest number of administrative employees and the most managerial positions and has a hierarchical and evaluation organizational structure compared to other studied universities. In the organizational structure of Mazandaran University, after Tehran University, the largest numbers of management positions are defined. The number of faculty members in departments and faculties in non-Iranian universities is also much higher than in Iranian universities. The number of courses in all non-Iranian universities is less than in Iranian universities. Oxford ranks highest among prestigious universities in terms of the number of administrative staff and the number of management positions.
Ibrahim Salehi Omran; mohsen hajitabar; Abraham Shafai Balkhanklouw
This study investigated the relation educational justice and academic burnout in students. Research method is of an Explanatory mixed. The study population included of Mazandaran University in the academic. Using cluster and categorical random sampling Based on the Cochran formula of of 383 patients ...
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This study investigated the relation educational justice and academic burnout in students. Research method is of an Explanatory mixed. The study population included of Mazandaran University in the academic. Using cluster and categorical random sampling Based on the Cochran formula of of 383 patients (241 females and 142 males) were selected as the statistical sample. Research tools consisted of Questionnaires educational justice Golparvar (2010) and academic burnout Berso’s (1997). Both of which questionnaires are valid and reliable. In the qualitative section data from 35 people to purposefully through semi-structured interviews were collected. For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics and inferential statistical tests (Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, ANOVA and regression) is used. The results showed a positive and significant relationship between educational justice and is academic burnout. Between male and female students perceived Educational Justice and academic burnout level was no significant difference. No difference was observed between the faculties based on academic burnout, but in terms of educational justice the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, art and architecture and Technology & Engineering there is a significant difference. The results showed that improving educational justice reduce academic burnout in component is academic apathy.