Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh; Mohammad Hassani; Jale Hassannajad; Ebrahim Joday Alvarolia
The presented research is provided to study interactive effects of conscientiousness of psychological climate on job performance organizational citizenship behavior employee of district one and two of education office urmia city . The population was 452 Facullty members of Urmia university. Also, the ...
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The presented research is provided to study interactive effects of conscientiousness of psychological climate on job performance organizational citizenship behavior employee of district one and two of education office urmia city . The population was 452 Facullty members of Urmia university. Also, the sample size was 211 which selected stratified random sampling, using Morgan formula. The collected data in this research has used four questionnaire as follow Duchon and Ashmus’s (2000) Measure of Spirituality, Spritzer’s (1995) Psychological Empowerment Scale, Schutte and et al’s (1998) Emotional Intelligence Scale and Chan and Drasgow’s (2001) motivation to lead scale, respectively. The reliability thorough Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 86%, 86%, 90% and 84%, respectively. Moreover, for checking that data is normal, Kolmogorov-Smirnov nonparametric test has been used. For statistical analysis, Pierson correlation and multiple regressions has been used. The results of correlation indicate that there are significant positive relationship between spirituality, psychological empowerment and emotional intelligence and motivation to lead. Furthermore, the results of multiple regressions indicate that psychological empowerment and emotional intelligence have higher power of prediction. On the contrary, spirituality has lower power of prediction. Also, the findings of this research examined that there are not significant relationship among gender and professional positions with motivation to lead.