Saed Talebi; Hassan Mahmodian; Mohamad Hassan Seif; Ahmad Rastegar
AbstractThe purpose Pzhvhshkarbrd European customer satisfaction index and the factors affecting the quality of teaching and learning. Results: The direct effects of the students (18/0) and subjective image (16/0) with meaningful loyalty between student expectations (47/0), perceived quality hardware ...
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AbstractThe purpose Pzhvhshkarbrd European customer satisfaction index and the factors affecting the quality of teaching and learning. Results: The direct effects of the students (18/0) and subjective image (16/0) with meaningful loyalty between student expectations (47/0), perceived quality hardware (19/0) and perceived quality of software (15/0) with the students, there is a direct and significant impact. The direct effect between perceived value (10/0) with the students of the university to study there. Finally image (45/0), visible quality hardware (15/0), software quality evident (12/0) and expectations of students (46/0) with a direct and significant impact on the students. Conclusion: Among the variables studied, only the value of tangible and meaningful to the students, there is no direct effect of the other variables are significant, positive effect.Key words: image quality hardware visible, tangible quality of software, student expectations, perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty student.kldfdlas kidlaksdkasd kodkasldkaos kdlkasldksa kdlkasldksa kdlkfkigkfdllf kl;kfdsk