Reza Jafariharandi
Context: In the age of global competition, performance evaluation is essential for the survival of the organization. Here, the leadership style is of paramount significance, and the main reason to assess and measure organizational performance is to increase the organization overall effectiveness. Purpose: ...
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Context: In the age of global competition, performance evaluation is essential for the survival of the organization. Here, the leadership style is of paramount significance, and the main reason to assess and measure organizational performance is to increase the organization overall effectiveness. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship betweenTransformational and Transactional Leadership Style and organizational performance of the staff of University of Qom Method: The study is applied with library–field data collection procedure and the methodology is correlational. The statistical population consists 440 staff of University of Qom. The sample size was estimated by Morgan,table to number 203 that were selected by simple random cluster sampling. Bass and Avolio’s (2000) Multi-factor Leadership (MLQ) questionnaire and Hersey and Goldsmith’s (1980) Organizational Performance (Achieve) questionnaire were used as the instruments in the study, and their reliability and validity were examined by confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, respectively. Result: The results showed that Transformational leadership style (r = 0.31; p < 0.05) and Transactional (r = 0.17; p < 0.05) have positive and significant relationship with the organizational performance. The results of simultaneous regression showed that about 51 percent of the leadership is able to explain and predict changes in organizational performance (r = 0.716; R2 = 0.512; Adj = 0.134) that its highest level is related to transformational leadership with beta factor of 0.36 (β = 0.36). Conclusion: It came to light that there is a meaningful relationship between leadership styles and organizational performance.
Susan Bahrami; Reza Jafariharandi
Today, human resources is the strategic source of the organization and an organization has a value system and each of the human resources of the organization also has its own unique value system, organizational proportions refer to people's mental beliefs about the degree of coordination of personal ...
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Today, human resources is the strategic source of the organization and an organization has a value system and each of the human resources of the organization also has its own unique value system, organizational proportions refer to people's mental beliefs about the degree of coordination of personal values with organizational culture. The aim of this paper is to determine the multiple relationship between individual values and person–organization fit, faculty members and staff of college faculties. The present study was a descriptive research, multivariate correlation. The statistical population of the research was the total faculty members and staff of the Qom University and stratified random sampling method. The research instruments were standard questionnaires that their validity and reliability were calculated. The results showed that the mean scores of individual values among faculty members were higher than average and in the staff was moderate, the score of person-organization fit between faculty members was moderate and in the staff was lower than average.There is a positive and significant relationship between components of individual values (power, success, benevolence, independence, universalism, conformity, pleasure, arousal, tradition and security) and person–organization fit, there is significant multiple relationship between 4 value styles and person–organization fit.
hadi mosadegh; Reza Jafari Harandi
The aim of this research was to a survey the Situation of applicants and universities in employment the faculty member. The methods which has been used are library study, a follow up in the ministry of science research and technology, and interview with experts. The population investigated were the invited ...
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The aim of this research was to a survey the Situation of applicants and universities in employment the faculty member. The methods which has been used are library study, a follow up in the ministry of science research and technology, and interview with experts. The population investigated were the invited applicants and all universities under the Ministry of Science.The results; First, in the last ten years a number of faculty member have advanced, but the gap between the application rate and the permit to employ individuals ,in the last three years, has increased, while the number of employment permits has decreased. Second:a student teacher ratio in proportion to the universities under the Ministry of Science, no change , high ratio increase in University of Peyame Noor and high ratio decrease in the private institutions. Third: most need demand rate applications is for University of Tarbiyat Modares, and least for university of Khalige Fars. Forth: most need demand rate applications to join a chemistry field, and least is for field of Computer engineering. Fifth: the average marks of male applicants was better than female. And a number of executives experience and researches work were opposite. Sixth:All applicants were Iranian nationals.