hosein rahmanseresht
Altruism is from moral development forces and survival and well-being of human that in recent decades the attention of social psychologists and sociologists is located. This study with the aim of examined the antecedents of organizational learning capability as altruism and relationship conflict is done. ...
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Altruism is from moral development forces and survival and well-being of human that in recent decades the attention of social psychologists and sociologists is located. This study with the aim of examined the antecedents of organizational learning capability as altruism and relationship conflict is done. In this regard, the survey method was employed. The Statistics population consists of all the staff of allameh Tabataba'i University Formed, of which 167 were based on Morgan table as the sample to be selected by simple random sampling. Data were collected through organ altruism questionnaires (1988) and Cox relationship conflict questionnaire (1998) and Chiva et al organizational learning capability questionnaire (2007). Validity and Reliability of aforementioned questionnaires were confirmed on the basis of content validity, construct validity as well as calculated acceptable Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In addition, for data analyzing and research hypothesis test, Structural Equation Modeling and Friedman test were used, by means of Amos and Spss software. Research findings indicated that altruism is significant positive impact on organizational learning capacity and altruism in a significant negative influence on the relationship conflict. Furthermore The relationship conflict also has a significant negative impact on organizational learning capability and relationship conflict is mediated between altruism and organizational learning capacity.