Husein Taqavi; Ali Khaleghkhah; Fatemeh Bagheri
The present study sought to identify the predictability of knowledge sharing based on the dimensions of toxic organizational climate among employees of educational institutions in Sarab using correlational design. The statistical population of this study was 1648 people and the corresponding sample size ...
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The present study sought to identify the predictability of knowledge sharing based on the dimensions of toxic organizational climate among employees of educational institutions in Sarab using correlational design. The statistical population of this study was 1648 people and the corresponding sample size was 313 people. The sampling method of this study was stratified. After deleting Perth data using Mahalanobis index, the number of samples reached 286 and analyzes were performed on this number. To collect data, standard questionnaires of rural organizational toxic atmosphere and Dixon knowledge sharing were used. Data analysis using Pearson correlation test showed that toxic physical structure, toxic service reward and compensation system, toxic interpersonal relationships and toxic leadership have a significant relationship with knowledge sharing. Findings from stepwise regression analysis showed that the system of reward and compensation for toxic service and poisonous leadership can predict knowledge sharing. Due to the lack of significant effect of toxic physical structure dimensions and toxic interpersonal relationships on knowledge sharing, these dimensions were removed from the model by software. Findings showed that knowledge sharing in educational institutions can be predicted by some dimensions of toxic organizational climate; therefore, it is necessary to adopt and implement appropriate strategies to prevent the manifestation of toxic organizational climate dimensions and eliminate them.