atefeh khosravi rad; Ahmad Akbari; mohammad karimi; moslem cherabin
The purpose of the current research is to design a model of skill-oriented education in schools based on the real needs of the society using data base theory. To answer this question, data-based theory research method was used with qualitative approach and MaxQDA software was used for data analysis. ...
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The purpose of the current research is to design a model of skill-oriented education in schools based on the real needs of the society using data base theory. To answer this question, data-based theory research method was used with qualitative approach and MaxQDA software was used for data analysis. The sampling method was of a targeted type, which reached saturation by conducting a total of 10 interviews with professors and experts in the fields of education management and skill-based education. The results and findings of the research showed that the central phenomenon of skill-oriented education has three components that facilitate individual and social life; It is a value-creating skill and a human-building skill. Appropriate strategies to achieve skill-oriented education based on the real needs of society in six categories of correcting wrong government processes and all-round support of the government; all-round culture building in the society; strengthening and enriching skill-oriented human resources in society; change in education procedures and processes; A fundamental change in education policies and attracting the support of effective supplements took place. the consequences of the implementation of strategies in the four components of economic benefits; positive social and cultural consequences; Individual positive outcomes and educational outcomes were included.Key words: skill-oriented education, real expectations of society, value-creating skill, human-building skill