Farahnaz Khedri
This research was accomplished with purpose of relashtionship between moral leadership and psychological agreement teachers organizational health with understanding in shahinshars elementary school in academic year 93-94 by wang of descriptive and solidarity type statistics community, This research which ...
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This research was accomplished with purpose of relashtionship between moral leadership and psychological agreement teachers organizational health with understanding in shahinshars elementary school in academic year 93-94 by wang of descriptive and solidarity type statistics community, This research which induded all of shahinshar elementay school teachers that, they are 440 persons(teacher) and were selected 204teacher among formul them by kokran sampling and layered accidental according to Likrts 5 level speactrum, material for guthering information was three questionnaire of Fry and colleagues(2005) psychological agreement questionnaire of Raseo(1995) and organizational health questionnaire of hoovy and colleaues(1998) beside of its formal, accdamic adviser and sme of statistic sample approved it. In order to, equedity of measuring material, it was used Kronbakh Alfa coefficient.Analysis of reacherchs found. This coefficient was culated for moral leadership questionnaire %80and organizational helth questionnaire %85. Analysis of researchers fand was done by way of descriptive statistics(include of excess, percentage, average and criterion deviation) presumptive statistics include of(piersoon solidarity coefficient Vareyans analysis test). The result of fonnd indicated that theres a meaniful relationship between organizational perspective p<0/1, r= 0/34. Faith in job (r=0/543, p=0<01).Love of altruism(r=0/731,p<0/01). Meaninfal feel(r=0/349,p=0<0/01) organizational membership(r=0/746, p<0/01). Organizational commitrment(r=0/568,p<0/01). Getting profit by understanding organizational heath.