Research Synthesis on Obstacles to Strategy Implementation in Iranian Government Institutions: A Strategic Evolutionary Circle or Routinely Vicious Circle

shirkoh mohammadi; Jamal salimi

Volume 6, Issue 21 , March 2022, , Pages 109-131

  It has been a long time which many experts of strategic management have found that about 50 to 90 percent of the formulated strategies either not implemented at all, or their implementation have poor results. As a result, a wave of researches has examined the obstacles to strategy implementation. The ...  Read More

Study of strategies of organizational changes on teacher’s job performance

Jamal Salimi; Arash Abdi

Volume 2, Issue 5 , February 2016, , Pages 99-122

  Perhaps the concept that until now has been considered since the beginning of organizations and behalf, the concept of organizational performance. The performance of organizations, meaning that alone justifies the existence of survival and even the dissolution of Sazman‌Hast and organizations primarily ...  Read More