masomeh Tajari; fariba damirchili
The main purpose of research was to design and validate the open innovation model in the university. To achieve this goal, a sequential combined exploratory method was used. The mixed method was used a methodology. In the qualitative stage, using the data theory of the foundation and through semi-structured ...
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The main purpose of research was to design and validate the open innovation model in the university. To achieve this goal, a sequential combined exploratory method was used. The mixed method was used a methodology. In the qualitative stage, using the data theory of the foundation and through semi-structured interviews and interviews with ten experts and researchers of open innovation who were selected theoretically. Data were collected and using the Strauss and Corbin systematic design of open innovation components in the form of a conceptual data model of the foundation. A questionnaire and a preliminary model were designed based on the findings of the qualitative stage. After assessing the validity (Lavache) and Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.85, a questionnaire was designed to 364 professors of mother universities using the proportional stratified sampling method. Findings show that the components of open innovation presented in the systematic design using Amos24 software. The first and second order confirmatory factor analysis methods were validated Factor loads of all components are greater than 0.4 and t values are greater than 1.96 The results indicate an acceptable fit for all components presented in the systematic design. The components of open innovation presented in the systematic design were validated using Amos24 software and first and second order confirmatory factor analysis. Factor loads of all components are greater than 0.4 and t values are greater than 96.1. These results indicate an acceptable fit for all components presented in the systematic design.