Hamid Rahimian; Hamidreza Zarrin
Given the importance of acquiring knowledge and applying it in empowerment and efficiency of human resources in organizations and given that a large part of the knowledge required by employees within the organization and with other employees or in organizational documents and procedures, the purpose ...
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Given the importance of acquiring knowledge and applying it in empowerment and efficiency of human resources in organizations and given that a large part of the knowledge required by employees within the organization and with other employees or in organizational documents and procedures, the purpose of this research was to identify the factors and methods of knowledge sharing in schools; therefore, knowledge is provided to the staff and circulated by them in schools and causes their ability and school productivity. In this research, the qualitative research approach and the data method of the systematic foundation have been used. The statistical population of the study was professors of education and elite educational agents in the Ministry of Education and in Tehran schools. Theoretical sampling method was used and 16 people were interviewed to reach theoretical saturation. Open, axial and selective coding methods were used to analyze the interviews. The validity of the interview was assessed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by an intra-subject agreement between the two coders. Three factors of individual factors, organizational factors and human resources training have been identified and selected as selection codes and 13 factors have been identified as core codes.